Admit what is real & change everything

How often is a person oblivious to how he defines and narrows his own thoughts? In this way, you starve the mind of the wisdom and companionship of soul. You are creating the space to open to the life unfolding underneath what is not there. Admit what is truly real and change everything;
1) You are not defined by religion.
2) You are no external label or title.
3) You are not bound by any land or sea.
4) Your origin and birthplace are nameless.
5) You sense and know all time and all worlds.
6) You selectively forget what matters because you can.
7) You are nothing and everything all at once.
8) Your words reverberrate through emptiness.
9) You are beginning to give up what you outgrow.
10) You give up waiting and realize love is now.
Reader Comments (10)
Number 10 - you give up waiting and realise love is now .. is a wonderful place to be at ..
Thank you - lovely
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
Another post that dares us to simultaneously define and defy our existence. We are balls of light and love forever flowing toward the bigger ball of love and light. :D
I am stopping by and telling you that:
You give up waiting and realize love is now.
is still unfolding in me, inspiring me and over and over bringing me deeply sweetly into this moment. I feel as though this one truth is an entire spiritual path completely. All the substance that one can find in unrealized dreams or whatever one is waiting for, is alive in this moment. All love can be found in this moment, alone, in nature, with others. So sweet, simple and profound~
And although these two labels are much broader, I know we all still have to realize that a label is a label, and limiting no matter how broad. So in the end "I am!" is all that there needs to be said.