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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 Points to orient your day

Every moment is full of opportunities to reconnect with the fuel of your creative spirit.  It is this part of you that reminds you are in the process of mastering valuable lessons at your disposal.  Consider these 5 points to help orient your day;

1) Heed core passions: they drive your creative process.

2) Detach from ego: it prevents mind-to-soul connections.

3) Engage emotions fully they drive the force of intentions.

4) Get excited about drama: it reframe valuable lessons.

5) Listen to love: connect with brave and forgiving souls.

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Reader Comments (13)

Hi Liara,

All of your points go hand in hand from passion, ego, emotion, drama and love. Without any of them, we would just be leaves on the grass waiting for the winter to turn us brown without knowing the feeling of being alive and staying green. There is much to be said about staying fresh and restarting each day anew.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi dear Liara.

First I love the photo of you. So vibrant! Just as I knew you would look. :)

Also, I love this post. It hits on ALL the core things that I just love, that are the thrust of my life. You are the only other person whom I've ever heard say, "Get excited about drama." Several of my friends will apologize for being "so dramatic" and I simply look at them and say (while rubbing my hand together), "Oooh I LOVE drama. It's so delicious and teaches so much and lets us look at things in different ways. When our drama is engaged consciously and with intent to explore/feel it/try it on for size we come to know all of our 'stories' "

Also I thrill over, "Engage emotions fully." Oh YES!! Such power and passion, and if we can learn to track our emotions without judgment they can lead us into worlds we never dreamed of. Emotions embraced fully are the most astounding guides and teachers.

This is a punchy post. These five things put on a card, stuck in one's back pocket and lived can lead to the most astounding life.

Thank you Liara SO much.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Easton
Alexys, starting fresh happens every moment a person chooses. Feeling alive suggests you could feel like any or all colors available. Some colors exist outside spectrum visible to most humans yet what you see is expanding.
May 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I love my emotions, I really do.

Can't wait to see what I may dream tonight. Hopefully something about tall pecan trees, laughing squirrels and a non-tippy canoe.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Robin, many people undervalue the benefits of drama. Every event invites one to recognize blessings that have been overlooked. A person can consciously choose to experience everything as a teacher to expand on the meaning and understanding of love. Anyone who contemplates the value of drama would like this:
May 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
These all sound crucial to me too, except I wonder about "drama." You must mean something very different than when Tolle speaks of drama...
May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Paul Maurice, some people view drama as self-created in the mind. Other people view drama as purely external sources of potential disruption. Eckhart Tolle explains space does not exist. If drama supposedly occurs in space, then drama does not exist. Tolle says, "Although [space] in itself has no existence, it enables everything to exist." As you detach from things that occupy space or attention, a shift in consciousness takes place. The inner equivalent of space is consciousness. It enables thoughts, feelings and any focus of the senses to just be. One cannot think and simultaneously be aware of space. Please share your understanding of Eckhart Tolle on drama.
May 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Love these points. I am confused by point number 4, "Get excited about drama". Would you expound on this please?
May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Mark, drama is often viewed as something that evokes vivid emotional conflict, like anxiety. The mind is torn between feelings. To get excited about drama is to apprecaite the learning available to you in apparent difficulties. As you choose to find and learn lessons, the sources of discomfort dissipate. You no longer believe in them. You come to realize senses are tremendous gifts. Knowledge you gain is transferable. The emotional and other layers of wisdom enable you to live more fully and to gain deeper understanding of why obstacles present. People often misunderstand the purpose of difficulty.
May 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
From what I recall of The Power of Now, Tolle sees emotional drama as an expression of egoism. It's true that working through it is part of the process, as per your reply to Mark.
May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
Paul Maurice, another perspective is that ego is an energy filter. You could also view the body, emotions and perceptions as energy filters. Since everything is energy, reality is based on what you choose to be aware of at this moment. No real location or perception truly conveys soul because there is only one soul and its everywhere. As soul is all things, it never "leaves" anything. It just switches modes of perception, ego and bodies (all filters) so you think it does. You choose to experience drama or not.
May 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This is really a well-laid out website. I like how you have presented your information in excellent detail. You seem to really love your site. Keep up the great work here and please visit by my blog sometime. The url is <a href=""></a>
Dr. Jacobson, thanks for visiting. To unleash creative potential helps everyone. All human beings are in the position to help everyone else in some way. When you choose to open the mind and senses, you are receptive to lessons and insights from a variety of useful sources. Health and well-being are profound teachers themselves.
May 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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