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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in transparency (14)


What if you could not hide anything?

Notice what happens at the prospect of knowing everything about you is exposed.  The mind and ego urge you to protect who you think you are.  You are conditioned to internalize opinions and beliefs about yourself.  This is the intellectual vision, all the ways you adopt labels, emotions and psychological constructs. This vision of you feels wounded, fearful and wants protection.  Softness is viewed by ego as weakness, felt as vulnerability. The ego goes to great lengths to keep you from seeing through it. 

As you begin to feel less of a need to hide anything, motivations fall away. Its as if you let go of the cultural conditioning and personal will to do, have and become. Internally, you experience a transition, a shift of focus. This need for references spontaneously vanishes and leaves you speechless.  You feel lighter and at a loss for what is next.

Imagine complete transparency.  Open the heart to a richness of expanding visions. Notice why you deny what soul knows.  You begin to see as the deepest part of you is seeing.  This is intimacy.  Touching it or catching glimpses is not the same as being it. 

"Eyes so transparent that through them the soul is seen." -Theophile Gautier


Remember to see through the self

Ever feel like you are in the presence of someone or something that sees though you? Many people temporarily forget that they are transparent energy and have capacity to see through their conditioned behaviour and motives.  Right now, you are invited to awaken to why you think and feel as you do and discern the treasure hidden within. It is possible to respond to everything above and below, without a sense of past or future.  Notice what leaves you speechless.  As you penetrate the false walls of inner self, you also penetrate all places.  Even now, you grow wise to the nature of self-absorption. Tame the wild forces that prompt you to forget who you are and why you exist.


Liberate from the projection

Some people are unaware they are a facit of consciousness that forgets its unlimited nature.  Imagine why consciousness ignores itself and longs to be free.  Reflect on how your perspective shifts as you realize you are already everything mind echoes you do not have.  What blessings do you discern in the process of self-forgetting? Are you familiar with sensations of the unthreading of confusion?

As you sense you move into a perspective of expanding transparency, you open states of remembering. People begin to recall meditation is not something they do, it is the natural presence of consciousness they are. From the vantage point of ignorance, the person is what you are and meditation and love are things you do. As you flow into deeper understanding, meditation and love are what you are and the person is what you do temporarily.  Ego is an optional activity that reconnects you to soul. Shifting states is part of Cosmic Synchronicity


What if everything changed?

What if everything you are taught to view as reality, changes? What if hierarchies dissolve, money is no longer necessary, ambition, power and qualities that generate pride, disappear? How would your perception change?

Consider the implications if you decided your personality is always subordinate to needs of the moment.  You may realize simultaneously that the elements of land are made of the same energy as your physical body.

It follows that you begin to sense you are an extension of cosmic consciousness, of spiritual consciousness, of the energy of nature and everything.  You are a force within a greater force centre. ou are nothing.

Even now, you are attuning differently to the guidance of the higher self.  It defies words, but you sense it.  Everything that comprises your life is shifting to draw attention to a more conscious and transparent self.

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