Recall the Most Essential Thing

Notice collective human evolution is most essential. What is the most effective way to evolve? Advaita Vedanta and other traditions echo the ultimate purpose of being is to hasten evolution into greater possibility or expand consciousness.
This is not a competition. Awakening to the true being is about remembering the forgotten meaning of temples, pyramids, cathedrals and structures that we are taught exist to mediate between us and the divine or be tourist attractions. Deeper remembering echoes they are portals into our true divine nature. They are stepping stones to living on a soul-guided life of universal principles.
To recall forgotten purpose, original means of how and why these structures were built, transforms the way we educate ourselves, how we view ourselves, how we come to re-activate dormant systems and function at optimum levels.
Be brave. Shift out of conquest mode. Temples and sacred places are not simply monuments, not what we are led to believe. Intuit the way to the heart. Tune into interdimensional energetic centres that guide us back into resonance.