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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in soul lessons (4)


8 Messages about permission

Nothing appears or disappears from our life without our permission. Yet, this is easily overlooked.  How often do you find yourself in situations where; a) you must decide to give or deny your permission, b) you feel hurt, betrayed or compromised as someone acted without asking your permission or c) you encounter situations where multiple levels of permission (or approval) are required? This is an opportunity to delve deeper into what is really going on with the recurrent theme.  Ponder 8 messages about permission; 

1.  Everything that comes or goes is for your highest good 

2.  Nothing leaves your life unless the related lesson is learned

3.  Issues only arise as you cling to unworthiness 

4.  Sometimes persmission issues are what someone else needs to go through 

5.  Denying your permission is an effort to control

6.  The need to obtain approval invites letting go

7.   Being detached from results shifts situations without force

8.  Efforts to recreate the past prevents accepting and doing your best in present



a) I give myself permission to love myself unconditionally as I am

b) Nobody can hurt, trigger or intimidate me without my consent

c) I am a growing, evolving being

d) How much I give or deny self love is reflected back (love more & things accelerate)

e) No impediments/ obstacles exist except in thought (mind)

 "Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence."-Gary Zukav

"With each inhalation of your breath, allow yourself to go deep within the inner aspects of your soul.  With each exhalation, give yourself permission to release cloudy, limiting thoughts, stifled emotions and stagnant energy." - James Van Praagh

"Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi


Value relationship mirrors

Relationships are mirrors for us to learn more about ourselves. Relationships are mirrors of (1) who you were, (2) where you are now on your path and (3) your potential (who you know you are inside but have yet to manifest).

If an issue or person has an emotional "charge" to it, then you still have work to do. This mirror can feel challenging as it reflects the things you have not yet finished in your karma. These are matters we resist recognizing, accepting and integrating.  Interacting with admired individuals gives you a glimpse at who you could be, if you let go of thoughts that hold you back. 

All relationships exist so each human being can work on the spiritual self and karma. It is a process of polishing our own mirror. We do not see ourselves in the reflection and forget who we really are is beyond the mirror.  The more you clear up emotional triggers/ issues, the more you discover you model the ‘right’ person, that person you tell yourself you are looking for in a partner or other relationship to feel whole.

Its helpful to remember every human is a spiritual being choosing to have a physical experience. That is, you are a soul in a body (for a while). Soul Mates are other souls that have agreed to connect with you on this planet for a purpose. In some cases it is to clear up karma, finish unfinished business, to achieve a particular goal together. When Soul Mates first meet they sense deja-vu. Every encounter is a pointer to what is beyond the mirror.


The secret to living fully

The secret to living fully is to see things as the Soul or highest possible perspective sees them.   That is, the Soul does not judge. It does not believe or disbelieve.  It does not register significance or insignificance.  The Soul does not fear.  What specifically can you do to live fully? Consider these five points:

1) Love with equanimity.  Is the Soul's Way or Divine Way to love universally and unconditionally.  This is about seeing through your own conditioned filters, beyond judgement, to recognize the same light in everyone.  Be like the sun.  It shines on everyone and does not make choices.

2) View every experience as a chance for Soul lessons.   Be aware that as Soul comes to recognize things, it is rejuvenated or transformed, then the body and mind follow.  Lessons are available in illness, relationships, financial challenges, mental confusion, emotional imbalances.  Any perceived adversity blocks the experience of unlimited being and infinite abundance that is known through living fully.

3) Offer humble service.  This is a Self-less Path. Help for the sake of helping.  Love as its natural.  Give because you can. Virtue can be measured by high-level Spiritual being.  As you offer unconditionally- loving service, universal peace and forgiveness, perceived difficulties dissolve, spiritual debt (karma) is paid. What expands within cannot be described. 

4) Show respect and compassion for all creatures. See yourself mirrored in all you encounter.  Recognize inter-dependence in the web of life, that everything is of equal value and part of a delicate balance. Nothing is better or more useful than anything else.  We depend on all else to survive and thrive.

5) Take full responsibility for how you respond to life.  You are the source of your own perception.  To see only messages of love and harmony in all you experience is to see as the omniscient Spirit does. Such is the essence of soulful living.


5 Points to orient your day

Every moment is full of opportunities to reconnect with the fuel of your creative spirit.  It is this part of you that reminds you are in the process of mastering valuable lessons at your disposal.  Consider these 5 points to help orient your day;

1) Heed core passions: they drive your creative process.

2) Detach from ego: it prevents mind-to-soul connections.

3) Engage emotions fully they drive the force of intentions.

4) Get excited about drama: it reframe valuable lessons.

5) Listen to love: connect with brave and forgiving souls.