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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in self-improvement (2)


5 questions to get in gear

As so many changes are currently unfolding within and around you, it sometimes feels like its challenging to ground or get your head around. You may feel confused, indecisive, or unsure of how to approach where you are.  As a way to get yourself in gear,  ask yourself these 5 questions:

1) Where in your life are you bothered?

Even if the issue itself is not yet obvious to you, you can begin to add clarity by identifying how you are affected in terms of categories; is it relationship-oriented? about a professional or other unresolved situation? are you directly or indirectly involved? Is this private or public? Is it an individual, collective (i.e. community), or a universal matter? A combo or, something else?

2) What are the problems you wish to solve?

What do you imagine that repeatedly irks you or motivates you to act? What triggers you or 'gets your goat'? What sparks your curiosity, stimulates the imagination to invent something completely new to add convenience, service or otherwise help others and the world around you?

3) Which specific results do you exist to achieve?

Notice your own intuitive messages. To what or where are you drawn? Your emotions are a reliable gauge. What brings you joy? What compels you or teaches you to improve your skills? Wish to be more certain about a choice, role change or group decision? Crave particular experiences? Ready to write a bucket list with columns of priorities? Writing words is powerful.

4) What evokes discomfort that you no longer wish to experience?

Notice what you have nightmares about, what keeps presenting to you in different shapes and forms to evoke resistance, avoidance, or denial.  As discomfort arises, behavioural patterns can be identified.  Now is the moment to make the unconscious conscious, to grow aware of what you repress, suppress or tune out from. Whatever you fear is pointing to what you are ready to  explore, take on or experience on a more conscious level to grow and thrive.

5) Why listen to yourself or others?

Focusing on particular people and experiences can help you accelerate and overcome perceived obstacles. Grow aware of the consequences of your own inaction. What is the cost of your own ignornace and passivity? What do you imagine unfolding with a change in perception? You have infinite opportunities right where you are. Feel your way into moving forward. 


Be intrinsic value

Every moment, the mentally- created you seeks what it thinks its missing while the silent observer exists in everything, needing nothing. How to end your sorrow?

Ever ask yourself what prompts you to turn to percieved authorities for direction? Ever wonder why you develop attachments, make judgments, and evaluations? What happens when you stop analyzing and exploring the mysteries? Who is the analyser and how is this different from he who analyses? How does it all come together?

Notice the investigator coming face-to-face with his own consciousness and moving to feel the wholeness of life. Be the intrinsic value the mind denies.  See what happens.  Questions answer themselves.  Psychological division is gone.  There is no such thing as mistakes.  Problems are all interrelated and stem from the same point.  Outward challenges are resolved the instant it is recognized you are not a separate individual. Pleasure is experienced temporarily and outwardly and joy is felt inwardly forever. 

All inspirational quotes and situations act as a mirror to invite you to look deep within your own perceived fears, conflict and contradictions and see they come and go.

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."-Buddha