Be intrinsic value

Every moment, the mentally- created you seeks what it thinks its missing while the silent observer exists in everything, needing nothing. How to end your sorrow?
Ever ask yourself what prompts you to turn to percieved authorities for direction? Ever wonder why you develop attachments, make judgments, and evaluations? What happens when you stop analyzing and exploring the mysteries? Who is the analyser and how is this different from he who analyses? How does it all come together?
Notice the investigator coming face-to-face with his own consciousness and moving to feel the wholeness of life. Be the intrinsic value the mind denies. See what happens. Questions answer themselves. Psychological division is gone. There is no such thing as mistakes. Problems are all interrelated and stem from the same point. Outward challenges are resolved the instant it is recognized you are not a separate individual. Pleasure is experienced temporarily and outwardly and joy is felt inwardly forever.
All inspirational quotes and situations act as a mirror to invite you to look deep within your own perceived fears, conflict and contradictions and see they come and go.
"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."-Buddha
Reader Comments (4)
One then is always Right, but by also embracing the openness of the Left,
They will know that everyone else is also always Right.
We each can balance the right and the left,
Bringing one then beyond the helpless state,
Into a fully accepting world where all points of view
Show their inner value and beauty.