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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in potential (17)


12 ways breathwork empowers me

Breathwork involves a series of nasal or mouth breathing techniques.  Those who engage in such practices gain access to what is going on within different aspects of their being.  This can evoke life-changing 'ah-ha' moments, shed light on perceived obstacles in our lives, strengthen relationships, and preciptate changes in career and all kinds of situations.  the question is, why does the opportunity present in our lives? What if everything only has perfect timing?

The Sufi poet Rumi echos, "What you seek is seeking you." Yet, it is not always obvious until the lightbulb goes on inside.  The courage to explore, be brave and vulnerable, happens with perfect timing. 

We can ask ourselves "who am I?" before breathwork experiences and discover how far we have come after a session, even a series of sessions, a retreat, a course or facilitator trainings. Nothing real changes yet how we feel about who we have always been, shifts. Extensive breathwork shows me that perceived obstacles are themselves the Path to emotional release, deeper awareness, understanding and much more. It brings me face to face with who I AM.  Notice 12 ways breathwork empowers me:

1. I finally grasp things that had previously eluded me

We all have puzzles in our lives that we exist to solve, events that do not seem to make sense, situations that appear and disappear or even outcomes that evoke confusion or negative emotion.  Every breathwork session allows me to grow conscious of intimate details that join key dots. Our lives are like movies.  We are actors, directors and scriptwriters and gradually gain access to insights from each role play. One can no longer lie to oneself when one is privy to the truth. No other practice I have experienced precipitates such clarity.

2.  I uncover core beliefs that had been running me

Like many people, at a very young age, I developed unconscious beliefs that created patterns of behaviour later in my life.  Breathwork gives me access to events from the creator of each scenario.  Thus, I re-experience emotions and pivotal moments that are like waterfalls that trigger new levels of healing.  

3.  I now feel more confident speaking my truth

Over a period of many years, I had shared some energetic insights in my books, but generally kept these experiences to myself.  Breathwork further opens my perception, gives me access to streams of consciousness and enables me to gain new insight into the energetic flow through and around me. Imagine your sense of past, present and future run together and allow you to truly savor all this moment offers.

4.   It enables me to own disowned anger

The cultures and situations of our upbringing ingrain morals, ethics and other behaviours. breathwork helped me discover to my surprise that I had a lot of disowned anger that was repressed and in need of release.  Through training I learned a variety of techniques that facilitate effective letting go on a whole new level.  In my body, I grew privy to pain from betrayal, abandonment that relfected what I had actually done to myself. 

5.  I strengthen ability to tune into the Soul 

Breathwork sessions, combined with regular meditation,  empower me to pay closer attention to my Soul. I feel more deeply, recognize intuition is the language of the soul so I act more consistently on that (as  opposed to acting on the logical mind which I was taught to do). The more I let go of what is not me, the more I affect the rising of my kundalini and energetic journey from hell to heaven (bliss).

6.   I am no longer tone-deaf

Intervals are the spaces between events.  For an extended period, I did not notice the intervals. My perception was limited to recognizing sounds of events in a linear way.  Breathwork guided me to feel at one with the breath.  I came to see we need an ear, an eardrum and nervous system to hear and recently, I detected something subtle joins all perceived events.  Vibrations can exist in air but unless we perceive the vibrational intervals, they go unnoticed.  Breathwork allows me to stop jumping between events and flow as the energy that is also the intervals. I feel interconnectedness on a whole new level; how flowers go with buzzing bees, why plants go with water and sunshine, why human interdependence with trees goes far deeper than exchanges of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

7. I sense new levels of intimacy in relationships

This goes way beyond personal, professional, and friend-relationships.  It is a vision that recognizes all humans are interconnected with all things. Only as we tune into the energy flow of relationships are we aware of the over-reaching melody and harmony everywhere. We can even come to see waves of energy like strands of webs on Earth, into the cosmos and connecting this and other universes. 

8. I deepen self-love and acceptance

Breathwork is seemingly growing more popular with well-known people like Anthony Robbins working with Dan Brule and other celebrities  getting their own breathwork therapists.  This said, breathwork came into my life through synchronicity, at a moment when my body was ready to purge itself of thought forms it had outgrown.  This is ultimately about learning to love myself and see my growing love for myself reflected in the world around me. At some point it hit that everything feels like a message about love,or a call for love and appreciation. The more I love and appreciate others, the more I realize to love and appreciate myself.  We are One.

9. I gain new clarity

Breathwork is like a conduit or direct channel of energy to and from my Soul.  I discover I can lay down and immerse in a session to readily obtain answers from my higher more expanded being.  The impulse to reach outside myself for answers is quiting down.

10. I stand more in personal power

Gaining insight on emotional trauma is a great way to show ourselve that thoughts begin and end in the mind.  This is a wonderful way to demonstrate I am safe and protected right where I am and also the source of forgiveness that liberates me from any thoughts that bind.  Sensing energy fields and what goes on in 'Covert ways' is true freedom. 

11. I know selective awareness is a choice

Many people seek spiritual connections and extra-sensory perception.  This is something I have always felt and never lost but often hid out of fear. Breathwork helps me feel the humor in the challenges I perceive and the wisdom available in grounding in different countries, environments and situations.  I am able to see from a more expansive vantage point the game of life.  From the view of continuous stream of consciousness, I am the cosmic consciousness revealing layers of what I am ready energetically to integrate.  Breathwork opens me up to see wholeness in every experience and the choice to be aware of our full light, optimum functioning or reduced existence.  When ready we can expand and blossom into more potential.

12. I am no longer emotionally- detached from life

Breathwork offers me a window into some very disturbing and traumatic experiences that led me to understand why I chose to experience a fear of life, a fear of being rejected, mistreated, fear of being honest and candid about what I perceive to feel good and right and fear of speaking truth. Rather than continuing to be diplomatic and selectively numbing out, I choose instead to feel and express the full gamut of emotions, to create healthy boundaries and share insights to empower others to feel just as enlivened and uplifted. This enables me to deepen my experience of what it is to be truly human in a multidimensional world.



7 Tips to achieve individual potential

Everyone has the innate capacity to realize individual potential. This can include transcendent moments of joy or peak experiences, in the many unique ways they take shape. While prolonging pleasure and minimizing pain may strongly appeal, the path to clarify and live more consistently in a state of joy is not always straight forward for everyone.  Consider these 7 tips;

1.  See everything as a teacher

Being open is about being attentive, recognizing every situation and encounter is a teacher that offers lessons to help us evolve into more of our unrecognized potential.  The process of growing and developing as a person is different for each of us.   The desire for self- growth arises as physiological needs are met, as basic safety and security are covered, and we sense something more  exists to life.

2. Uncover Talents 

Sometimes teachers, parents, colleagues and your nearest and dearest point your talents out to you.  Even strangers may share their observations and encourage you to move in certain directions. Often you naturally take steps to develop strengths and see where this guides you.  Putting talents to practice shows you what you are made of! 

3. Listen to the heart

The more you listen to your heart, the more you act from a place of love rather than a place of fear.  Acting from a place of love allows you to tune in and act on intuition and notice synchronicities. more of your potential to blossom. Your choices echo what you feel inside. 

3. Identify fears

Part of the human experience involves growing aware of your fears and why they arise. Fears and unconscious shadows are self-limiting.  So long as you do not place yourself or anyone else in harm's way, the best course of action involves facing your fears so you stop believing they define and constrain you.

4. Be unconcerned by external opinion 

Working through what holds you back is about reaching a place where you are unaffected by what people think or say about you. You are no longer motivated by how many likes or followers you get or do not get on social media.  This is about beginning to view yourself as your own authority. It requires you love yourself on a whole new level.

5. Live in integrity

Living in integrity is about being honest with yourself, being impeccable with your word. Taking personal responsibility for how you think and feel and knowing you may not control everything that happens but, you control how you respond.  You decide if you allow emotions and moods to control you or not.

6. Trust in yourself

Trust that your urges to make choices have perfect timing. You may feel inclined to change professional  course or change your entourage.  Whatever changes you feel ready to embrace, they relate to feelings, gut instincts, that are guiding you to let go of what you outgrow and evolve into more untapped potential.  This may involve a shift inside, a changing sense of prioirities, the 

7. Surrender

Let your life shine. Believe in yourself and let go. Tune into the light inside you.  Surrender to those dreams that you feel your way into right now. Step back for a moment. What happens as it hits that your innate potential is not fixed in time or space.  Your limtis are shaped by your beliefs and your level of confidence.


Most people spend their lives reacting to feelings rather than creating with them.

- Neale Donald Walsch


It could happen to you

Watch what happens in your life when you set an intention and at the same time, surrender to the outcome of something greater. To let go enables you to merge with energy and see physical conditions and experience differently. You may tune into the mystical, be open to allowing new examples of harmony into your life. Something beyond you engages and activates healing, shifts in circumstance or life change.  Such things can only happen to you when you are receptive.

Consider the case of Beth (not her real name). Under enormous stress, she was juggling two unfulfilling jobs, struggling to pay her mortgage and suffering emotionally due to a lack of a personal life and conflicts with professional peers.  The intense negativity and tension led to recurrent migraines, minor health issues and manifested a cancer diagnosis.  This said, she chose to view this severe illness as a gift and a wake up call to explore and release unconscious emotional trauma and shift her focus to create a new future. She decided to take responsibility for her choices and make key changes that access more innate potential.  She identified sources of disharmony, what was not nourishing her soul, sense of balance. As the result, she is in remission, connecting with encouraging people and has a new professional direction.

Are you ready to step back and live in ways that bring your ideal future into the present? Did you relaize that you are becoming like the five people you spend the most time with?


Notice vibration is value

Many people nurture beliefs about value and perpetuate their own misperceptions and misunderstanding. Consider your own assumptions about value.  Do you imagine value only comes from physical action? Notice how you limit your sense of value. Realize you have the capacity to be more aware of things that bother you, of feelings that worry you, of knowing what you do not want. Realize this all tells you what you do want.  Notice every feeling has a vibration.  Every feeling has value and tells you if you are aligned with what matters.  What do you want to feel?  What matches that? How do you soften your resistance?

As you realize you have intrinsic value, you also realize you have control about how you feel. As you tap into the energy that flows, you have the potential to experience everything that enables you to feel good. You are in the process of recognizing beliefs that are not working, and creating a bridge to beliefs that move you from illusions of lack, pain and scarcity to a life of abundance.  Life is easy when you choose.

The power of the mind is what matters. You are in the process of remembering to free the mind from the illusions you create and perpetuate with worry and resentment you harbour.  Your response to things is already changing. Thought is vibration.  You awaken to the tug of war you create with your own polarity and how you can ease up on the habits of thought. Your response keeps you in a chronic place and you can get out of this at any point in this process.  Amazing things are unfolding in your life.  Accept or resist.  Once you know you are the essence of energy being, there is no going back to ignorance.  Bliss is now something else.  You feel aligned with vibrational reality.  You sense value in expansion you do not see.


Love is the answer

You figure everything out on your own.  When your being emerges pure and unencumbered, you experience the power of now, the unfolding of love vibrations.  You resonate unlimited harmony and potential.  You allow a magical power to create precisely what you envision into being.  In essence, you are a transmitting and receiving mechanism.  You need not justify a desire.  Shape your thoughts based on how you feel.  As you sense positive vibration, know the reason for it already exists.  Invite it in.  You accept joy or resist it.