7 Points about oneness

Many people are talking about the concept of an increasing sense of "oneness." Some people relate this to 2012 and others sense perceived time is irrelevant. How can you put into words what this means to you? Consider these perspectives;
1) This is not a political thing. The concept of "one world order" is sometimes linked to oneness but they are not the same. The political view is about imposing power, will and control over others. Oneness is about reclaiming inner power and behaving to unleash a new sense of freedom.
2) Its about shift in consciousness. The real you is empathizing more with situations of others, even if you do not know them personally. The compassion within prompts you to relate and wish to help. Mind moves from selfish to selfless.
3) It represents a quantum leap in soul evolution. It represents a spiritaul awakening. You sense deep down you hold more answers to your own questions. Faith and trust in intuition is growing. A sense of energy vibration and extrasensory experiences are jogging your memory about forgotten abilities; telepathy, ESP and other senses strengthen.
4) You can discontinue an ignorant existence. The impulse to live mindlessly is disappearing. As you raise awareness, you realize everything you think, feel and do, affects everyone, directly or indirectly.
5) Common humanity evokes awakening. Suddenly, you sense it possible to relate differently to others. To arrive at a crossroads between visions of survival and destruction of humanity, reminds you of choices. Love and positive thinking are gaining ground over ego and fear.
6) Something prompts you to love the self more. This is not egoism. Rather, its an internal wisdom that is becoming easier to hear. You realize you have more reasons to feel grateful and appreciate self.
7) An illusion of security and safety invite change. Imposed ideas of what you need to survive are seeming less important. You gain an inner sense of security separate from the physical and material views. As you connect with boundless consciousness, you realize you have new hope, new dreams and awareness without limits except those ego imposes.