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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in meaning (8)


Revert to non-definition 

Alter your perception.  Recognize you conceal your true light.  Revert to non-definition.  Forget duality.  Detach from emotions.  Feel the energy and light of the heart.  Notice your points of reference and be willing to let them go.  Remember that clarity is a source that flows outward from you.  It is a process of letting go of all beliefs and personality, all illusions and constructs that create and perpetuate fear.

Awaken to the reasons why you are here, why you chose this Earthly assignment and unfolding experience. This underlies social constructs and mental barriers.  Realize you choose all labels you adopt and when you release them. Remember your innate connection to pure freedom and infinite life. As you know all is well, you align with yourself. No path is better than any other. All choices are equal. You resonate questions and answers. You feel your way back to the light. Revelations align. You resonate solutions, healing and clarity for yourself and others. You draw all situations to facilitate ongoing expansion.


Alter your position

You may think that if you stop what you are doing, then life, as you see it, would be meaningless.  Behind your eyes exists another perspective.  Consider how your behaviour is projecting a sense of happiness or fulfillment to other people and yet, may not be so convincing to your true self.  How do you do your best not to remember the magical potential you possess? Would selective recall upset the tidy universe you are creating with your choices and beliefs? Imagine stepping back right now.  How do you Transform Your Life?


What gives your life meaning?

Many people are selectively unaware of what truly gives their life meaning.  In an ideal world, people would only do those things that enrich them, expand them and enable them to feel good.  Does this sound familiar? How does your mind frame where you are? What makes you think something is wrong?

Another way to view life is to sense everything that you perceive is happening is created by you for you and is always in your interest.  That is, all of your thoughts and feelings are giving you the info you require to live a content and fulfilling life.  Consider this invitation to remember how you make the most of you time.  What could you do to reframe your situations and relationships or make different choices?

Learning to be more aware empowers you to be more honest with yourself. As you are more alert to how you truly think and feel, you no longer contemplate about what is good for you.  You no longer overlook those choices that resonate with your soul.  You no longer disregard meaningful lessons now.

As you self-disclose, you remember what it feels like to be your authentic self and you are okay with that.  Join us for an Dreambuilders Radio interview with Dawn Hill on December 6th at 5h30pm EST (December 7th 9h30am Melbourne time). Open yourself to expanded levels of remembering.

For interest, you may consult previous articles about Dawn Hill from this website here:

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