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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in higher self (10)


Wake up & remember

A teacher does not enter your scope of awareness at key stages of your awakening.  You are the teacher who is awakening to your own true power.  Thus, an external teacher does not empower you to trigger "ah-ha" moments.  Instead, a pre-ordained awakening within draws attention to shifting self-perception.

Asking higher energies for guidance helps you to recognize you are a transmitter and vehicle travelling through dimensions.  The use of symbols, shapes, dreams and crystals brings you closer to knowing higher self consciousness. A given situation in 3-D, physical worlds does not reveal the truth of what is beyond.


Feel non-physical dimensions

Non-physical dimensions emerge in one's deeper awareness through first-hand experience. Different dimensional levels co-exist beyond what the five senses detect. Normal laws of physics do not apply.  Notice how you resist or openly accept the possibilites beyond your frames of reference and experience.

Imagine what happens as the physical body sleeps. In essence, consciousness reflects copies of itself. The dream mind and projected body/ mind double function in relation to, yet separate from the physical body. As one accesses memories from the physical and energy body, a visceral experience speaks for itself. Which perceptual interchanges do you sense? What insight are you gaining into the higher self right now?


Harness the power within

You may not yet realize that the power of love tranforms fear.  The world is shifting due to your evolving perception, your gestures and your reconnection to and acceptance of all you are.  Ask yourself how it feels to expand into many aspects of your true self.

Imagine that the only thing that you are ever judged on is how you love or why.  This is not about falling in or out of love.  It is not about platonic, romantic, sexual or other external perceptions or expressions of love, but returning to awareness of higher selves.

Consider that as you allow love to flow its natural course, you are choosing to use love to overcome fear. You are choosing to attune and align with intuitive guidance, to sense the power you have within. This is about awakening to the way the universe responds to your behaviour.  Call it karma or or structured energy.  You choose to catch glimpses of unfolding Cosmic Synchronicity. 


What if everything changed?

What if everything you are taught to view as reality, changes? What if hierarchies dissolve, money is no longer necessary, ambition, power and qualities that generate pride, disappear? How would your perception change?

Consider the implications if you decided your personality is always subordinate to needs of the moment.  You may realize simultaneously that the elements of land are made of the same energy as your physical body.

It follows that you begin to sense you are an extension of cosmic consciousness, of spiritual consciousness, of the energy of nature and everything.  You are a force within a greater force centre. ou are nothing.

Even now, you are attuning differently to the guidance of the higher self.  It defies words, but you sense it.  Everything that comprises your life is shifting to draw attention to a more conscious and transparent self.


Lighten your load

Your thoughts and beliefs sometimes create feelings of heaviness which are misplaced and misguided. What would it take for you to release any blocks that prevent you from living a more uplifting life? What would you have to do to hear what your Higher Self tells you? This core of being never ceases to tell you how much you are loved as you are.

If you detect an awkward heaviness, its an invitation to lighten your load. Learn to anchor the mind in a new place. Seeking self-improvement reflects a desire to feel better about yourself, yet it overlooks that faults and weakness only exist in the mind.

Learn to listen, trust, and take action guided by the fun-loving accepting heart. If certain choices evoke discomfort, notice what these geelings point toward. You can explore this. Shifting attention to what you imagine feels good brings this forth.

You are alive and everything you do or do not do can only help you. Listen to heartfelt messages to know all burdens are illusion. Discomfort signals your desire to heal a wound you come to feel is no longer there. Anger reminds you untapped energy can be transformed and rechannelled. Worry teaches the power of trust. Know everything is a disguised form of love pointing to how it feels to be yourself.  Its the simplest thing to do.

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