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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in grace (19)


Negativity unresisted is grace

Everything you experience makes you who you are. As negativity arises, you may be conditioned to resist it. And yet, as you allow every emotion to flow freely, something amazing happens. All things experienced fully reveal their opposite. Are you ready to take responsibility for peace within yourself in this moment? NO waiting is required.

Something prompts you to realize you can exist in peace. Notice polarity or conflict within yourself as part of the human experience. You can also recognize that any sort of separateness, any perception of divided ideas or personalities, whatever identity you are protecting, is pure illusion. You know nothing is knocking on the door of the mind.

The human part of human-being is an opportunity for deeper discovery. Cease doing what you are doing.  Let go of all self-image, all you are taught. Do nothing. Notice what remains.  Allow grace to reveal itself. The source of awareness or consciousness is present and exists as you to know itself now.  The heart only loves everything as it is.

"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other." -Rinehold Niebuhr 


The key to happiness

The key to happiness is felt in the recognition you are that already. Mental desire, discernment and judgement of the mind offer another perspective, but this is not the real you, or that which observes everything in silence. Being joy feels this unspeakable essence that is fully present, and all-seeing with clarity.  As striving for anything ceases, allowing takes over.  What remains is felt as innersight reveals itself.

Feel what its like to experience unwavering peace of mind, to be aware of innate perfection. Regardless of what the mind would have you believe is unfolding in the movie of your life, serenity is unwavering behind everything. Being happiness feels like there is nothing to escape, nothing to seek. That which transcends space, form, and time is revealed as the lumen being emerging and opening doors to eternity.  Notice your focus.  Recognize the being of light, the feeling of divine presence that is grace.

"To be awake is to be alive." - Henry David Thoreau

"The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness." -Maharishi Mahest Yogi


Timeless wisdom of humility

You may recall an experience in you life when you sense you learned a valuable lesson.  You may talk about it to reinforce the assumed point of understanding. During another stage of your life, you may wonder why a new opportunity presents to you to learn the same lesson.  In fact, you may begin to notice the lesson is available to you again and again and you had been unaware until now. What is the timeless message?

Awakening is a signal from the universe that the mind can tell you one thing while the heart knows another in silence.  Humility is like a signpost, a feeling reminder of the right way of seeing things from the broadest possible point of view.  It is meekness, the willingness to be perceived however others choose and not having to prove you are right.  It is about letting go of what your ego tells you matters and discovering it means nothing. Let go of what you think you want.  Surrendering to not knowing is everything.

"Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes of life." -George Arliss 

" the school of the Spirit man learns wisdom through humility, knowledge by forgetting, how to speak by silence, how to live by dying." -John Tauer 


You are that

The ego mind interprets the tangible, the perceptible, that which is subject to change.  It views dreams through its own self-centred filters.  How do you know that you are paying more attention to self? What exactly is i that observes the changeable?

That which is the essence of being is the silent witness that can only be pointed toward.  It does not arise and disappear. It is changeless, conscious presence, in perfect harmony with effortless silence.  One consciousness sees no division or difference.  It is awareness felt in ways that which words simply cannot convey.  The universe reveals itself in subtle ways. As self identity no longer thinks itself as separate, one being awakens to recognize itself operating in the inner realm of consciousness.

"Because you fnd the dream creations transitory in relation to the waking state there is said to be a difference. This is only apparent and not real." -Ramana Maharishi

"Part of our psyche is not in time and not in space. They are only an illusion, time and space, and so in a certain part of our psyche time does not exist at all." - Carl Jung


Pristine clarity is

It is said all learning is ignorance unless the knower is not known. Unlearning is about letting go of what is not. Truth does not invite more.  That which is known cannot be owned or possessed.  It is not pursued.  It is not what people tell you to do.  It is not about intellect, about clinging to or removing conditioning.  It is not a thought or series of thoughts that spin endlessly  through the mind. 

By divine grace, the unchanging reveals itself. Nothing fazes authentic being.  Nothing has any effect on what is unchanging bliss. There is no wavering or unwavering.  One is not moving or still. One is nothing and everything without trying.  One is not the knower or ignorance. One is beyond wholeness and division. The ultimate reality is not created or destroyed.  It is beyond words, time and space.  Beyond light and intention, pristine clarity is what is is, only that.

Living by divine truth, you know;

1) your power exists in this moment

2) you are born with power to create your reality & shape the course of your destiny (you consciously create your reality or subconsciously allow events to unfold in your world)

3) what you create in your physical world reflects your beliefs

4) to experience love and freedom, you must willingly let go of control

5) you have choices (free will is what we live following the will of the universe)

6) you are complete (there is nothing missing)

7) Your world is love, abundance & joy.  How you perceive shapes your experience.

8) What you receive is based on what you are willing to have not onl what you deserve

9) Life is a gift and you are here to learn to receive

10) This world is an illusion & you experience to the degree you allow

11) You own who you are becoming not just who you have been

12) You can do anything, be anyone and have anything and do anything with harm to none

13) Peace and harmony prevail in your natural state.

14) Victims do not exist, only poor and limiting choices.

15) To contribute to or serve others heals you from denial of love