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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in duality (8)


10 points on power of choices

Some people believe that the process of learning is one of he most challenging things to do.  You may forget that you have the capacity to shift mindst, focus or distance yourself from anything.  It all comes down to choices. Review 10 points;

1) Any person or situation that appears to manipulate your fears or make you more frightened is out to control you, not empower you.  You choose to raise awareness of how you feel and why or, not. You actively facilitate self-healing or not.

2) To nurture spiritual connections is to reconnect with a sense of unconditional love.  This enables a person to recognize he is never truly abandoned, rejected, or alone.  To deny spirituality or downplay its energy and potential, is another choice.    

3) Situations that evoke discomfort are the kinds of things you exist to confront.  You can exert valiant effort to face and overcome them, assist others with their own situations without judgment or, perpetuate the apparent problems.

4) You can choose to believe you have gifts and use them or, assume you have nothing worth sharing.

5) As you grow more attuned to yourself and realize your thoughts or behaviour cause suffering in others, you learn about the power of intention.  Do you choose to harm or love?

6) Some people will say one thing and live a life that reflects completely different beliefs and values.  You choose to compare to others, be hypocritical or, live a life of integrity.

7) Human beings are fallible.  As you grow aware you can make better choices, you have the capacity to take responsibility and be accountable for previous behaviour. The alternative is the why me? mentality, and allowing yourself to feel like a victim.

8) Taking initiatives to learn is a choice just like choosing to resist change and expansion is a choice.

9) Consider your conditioned reflexes and apparent instincts. Does it feel natural to be tolerant, understanding and forgiving of others' apparent mistakes or, do you quickly reprimand, anger and hold grudges?

10) Regardless of your perceived conditions, you always have capacity to find blesssings, advantages and good things where you are. This is not the same as reminding yourself you are better off than  (or superior to) someone somewhere. Its not an ego thing. Its an invitation to think with the heart and feel withthe mind. As you awaken, be thankful to be alive, grateful for what you have, the love and everything else you are given. 


Find blessings everywhere

Blessings are found where you choose. Thinking and feeling are choices. To recognize this is extremely empowering. Whenever conditioned impulse is negative, its useful to learn to shift focus to the positive. Remind yourself of benefits in the moment to reframe and dissolve negative energy;

Illness. Mental and physical suffering help draw attention to choices that do not serve you. As you grow more aware of what you do and why, you can choose to take more responsibility for your life. As you shift thoughts, feelings, and habits, your views of healthy and unhealthy evolve and facilitate healing.

Emotion. Discomfort alters the natural flow of energy.  This reveals a valuable gauge to reorient purpose and direction. Negative energy draws attention to different energy effects you control within. Emotion creates energy waves or vibration fluctuations.  They complicate things unnecessarily or act as signposts to suggest you alter behaviour.  Each stage offers opportuntities for deeper learning.

Attachment.  Each situation that arises can be viewed as a help or a hindrance to self-growth.  A material focus invites you to rediscover the power and perspective to be regained through detachment. The human mind oscillates between examples of duality like good and bad until you transcend judgment.

Disorder. To sense conflict with the ego mind means you realize this is not the real you.  Raising self-awareness sets up conditions that enable you to do what is required to create balance and order. As you redefine what it means to be ‘in sync’ or in harmony with soul, this stimulates creative energy.

Selfishness. This is an opportunity to explore the notion of selflessness and facets of altruism. To believe the non-ego state of being is associated with inner peace encourages exploring that path. To recognize what you are not doing may serve as the actual stimulus to do it.

Difficult people.  Anything you view as a problem actually mirrors things you deny or reject inside. Perceived enemies or troublemakers exist to draw your attention to parts of yourself that require work. As you choose to love and forgive individuals who seem to disrupt your life, you begin to realize that if it was not for them, you would remain in a coma about what matters.  

Nightmares. Heightened states of awareness exist at unconscious and deeper levels. The body and mind employ strategies to bring thoughts and feelings to the surface when a soul is ready to evolve.  Your most influential guides engage energy at superconscious and subatomic levels.  The illusion of time progression is created in physcial worlds so souls evolve to gauge their own spiritual awareness.


13 Illusions to shake up your awareness

Illusions are self-created obstacles to a clearer view of things. Illusions are destined to dissolve as part of learning and unlearning.  This is part of a personal journey that is guided, diverges and finds its way home. Each stage is ultimately a choice. You decide when and where to pause. Your unique view of life is yours alone. You are invited to shatter your own myths.

When a person is ready to question or explore his own deeply entrenched ideas, he may awaken to acknowledge the rigidity of ideas and also shift positions or attitudes. Consider these 13 concepts to ponder and reframe;

1) Ego. Part of the psyche experiences and reacts to the outside world and imagines your self-image into being. To separate yourself from the selves of others and from objects of ego, thought causes you to forget or repress the truth. From the moment ambition is born, you are prompted to quantify it.

2) Money. This takes shape as a piece of paper with random value linkedto numbers. Virtually everyone buys into that idea and allows it to control how they think: what is affordable, enough, desirable, feasible, doable, relative and inconceivable. Currency is a human invention that arose with human motives.

3) Duality. To separate concepts into two parts is a gradual denial of unity or oneness with everything. To envision poverty distracts you from wealth and abundance. Polarities of positive and negative such as good and evil fragment underlying wholeness. As one concept exists, the opposite also exists, even if you do no choose to acknowledge it at this moment.

4) Consolation. From birth, part of you is consoled when you are fed, clothed, and loved. When was the last time you fully trusted all of your needs are met from outside yourself? Faith becomes consolation during trouble. Yet, you imagine issues where none exist and imagine what you require to dissolve it.

5) Comfort. This zone is a view of a degree of tolerance for mediocrity, anxiety, worry, and stress. It also denies what soul whispers. Some people view this as an excuse to stay put, to continue fooling self and everyone of what you need. To lose what you thought you needed shifts focus to what matters. You move away from tangible things that are bought, sold, stolen, burned or bequeathed to uncover other priorities.

6) Form. Your view of the physicality of things is grounded in beliefs. You envision or hear about objects, infer about density, texture and viscosity, without necessarily touching or experiencing them. You visualize shape without seeing and create interpretations of your sense of reality.

7) Beliefs. The focus of your devotion is hidden. It has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness or, level of conscious awareness and deliberate intent. To work in the realms of expectation and assumption creates layers of illusions you come to accept.

8) Fear. There is nothing to fear except your ability to create it. What you anticipate you will gain or lose goes deeper than ideas you access in the mind. This invokes fundamental views about what makes you who you are.  What can you live without? Few people recognize your own misunderstandings.

9) Pride. A high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority is a view that grows from fears like inadequacy and insecurity. What you think you have or not does not change who you are.  Thinking without complete awareness explains many human issues.  People reflect each others issues, differing only in degree and level of awareness.

10) Effects. Reality is something other than perceived effects, for it is part of the Cause. Beside, over and above, under and behind, all forms of Being, Matter, Energy, Force and Power, is the ever-calm, contentedness. Reconnect to inner knowing grows into absolute trust. This translates into confidence in the goodness and justice of the only Reality that exists.

11) Crisis. When old ways of thinking and doing fall short or no longer satisfy perceived needs, a person may imagine the self is threatened. Behaving as you have done is not necessarily aligned with the natural flow of energy to start with. If you take too much without giving back, this creates imbalance. A sense of urgency draws attention to issues of survival.

12) Armageddon.  It is said a final battle involving good and evil will occur before the end of the world. Another way to view significant energy movement and upheavals is to concede former consciousness is dissolving on a wide scale. Such a view helps explain geographic, environmental and climatic shifts that might otherwise be viewed as a domino effect toward catastrophe.  Life-changing transition is imminent. How you understand it is grounded in perception.

13) Perception. If you agree your outer reality reflects your level of inner understanding, then indecision or turbulance speaks volumes.  How you come to recognize and grasp each experience is based not on superficial human senses, but on deeper awareness.  Answers do not always emerge in the form of words.  Letting go of ways you sense the world is an act of growth that dissolves dogma and resistance and brings you face to face with something indescribable.

"If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating fundamentally the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction." -Eckhart Tolle

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