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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in detachment (14)


Here you be

And so, here you be, discerning the vibration that has you convinced of a particular reality.  What stands out in the mind at this moment? How do you feel your way back to the essence of being beyond the stuff? Share a perspective of how you view things as they are.  Notice what you feel about detached observations.  Reflect on the influences that shape your sense of self.  You already transcend them. 


Beyond knowing

As a person detaches from the influence of the physical body and senses, lets go of doing, and moves beyond judging, that person may wonder what remains.  To release your grounding in time and space leaves you to feel as if objects and circumstances disappear.  To let go of assumptions, expectations and knowing, is to feel that even the knower ceases being.  Awareness reveals possibilities that defy words.


What kind of world do you create?

Consider what it feels like to see as the mind and heart do alone. Consider how it feels to imagine you are separate from everything and then how it feels to be one with everything.

When someone is sick, notice your response or indifference. If a person is experiencing apparent challenges,notice whether you feel hardened and detached, whether you are conditioned to feel alienated that person or detached from what the physical senses tell you.

Now, imagine a world of balance and harmony. What are you doing to benefit others and also awaken to certain traits and characteristics within? Recognize that how you think and feel creates the world in which you live. At any given moment, you can choose another vantage point, another "way of seeing."  Every state is simply a state unless it is coloured or intepreted and judged by the mind.


What does it mean to save yourself?

Many people say they think their purpose is to 'save the world.' They nurture idealistic goals or ambitions, explore a varety of experiences that they believe empowers them to change other people and conditions. Have you ever reflected on what it means to save yourself and to remember how to sense things as they are? What are these kinds of statements really telling  the conscious you from deep inside?

One perspective is that part of you would like to be saved from the illusions you create and structure physical life around. What would you say if some people move to no longer relate to anything or anyone? How do you imagine it feels to live a life completely undefined by labels, by expectations, by other people? Everything is a choice.  You may not realize you are already choosing to Transform Your Life.


Learn to let go of what you are not

So many people cling to labels and identities that are not them.  You may temporarily forget what is.  You may sense you are asking questions and fillng in the answers based on conditioned beliefs. Only as you detach from beliefs do you feel what else is there.

In truth, your life purpose is not uncovered at a given moment. It is not fixed or linear.  What you are is ever-changing.  You are an extension of universal, divine light.  You know limits do not exist. There is no way to minimize real experience. To reconnect with the limitless being you are, is to remember everything is a droplet of a cosmic ocean. You align with what you have always known.

The unconscious path you are on involves expanding consciousness and moving beyond what you are trained to view as your ego self.  To align with truth and beauty elevates states of consciousness and being.  Ideas, thoughts, beliefs or concepts vanish. They burden existence and prevent you from merging with the flow.  To move into extension and perfection opens to Cosmic Synchronicity.