How do you feel about soul exchange?

On my Blog Talk Radio show Jan 17/18, I am interviewing an individual who is regarded as a walk-in soul. This video offers some insight into this phenomena. This inter-dimensional experience is not widely recognized or mentally understood. Share your feelings, insights and experiences. It is possible you interact or have known soul-walk ins. How do you sense this phenomena empowers you and helps the planet? What energies are you sensing? Some people sense being aware of this phenomena is a natural part of re-aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.
Reader Comments (29)
While I have never met anyone making the claim of being a walk-in soul, so don't know how this experience would feel or manifest for them, there is a part of me asking "so what?" I don't mean to sound dismissive, I believe we are all here to carry out facets of evolution, and so too would these walk-ins, but why not do the work rather than talk about their <i>ability</i> to do it? If we are all One (which is my belief), truly just fragmented pieces of completeness, then does it matter where and when those fragments take hold of the vessel, the body? Should we not treat each person we meet as a walk-in? a miracle worker? perhaps this alone would help to wake the sleeping out of fear and into universal love. Are we not all walk-ins of a sort, carrying out the soul's task? These are the questions I'm left asking.
Thank you for continually challenging and expanding your readers understanding of life here on planet earth! love, Karin
Very interesting concept here. I shall watch the show. Thanks for sharing!
Peace, Light and Love, C.
I look forward to listening to your BTR show this Sunday.
Many blessings of love, light, peace, grace, beauty & magic,
In Lak'ech!
~ Azra ~
Trust your feeling nature and what resonates within. Learn, see, acknowledge and stay fluid in your considerations of a many faceted new earth now manifesting. We are sovereign beings in our cosmic identity, but embracing the light-seed of that cosmic identity in this NOW is our destiny here!
Seriously though it makes you wonder about people who start out very perhaps violent etc and then make drastic changes... Mandella comes to mind.. and he certainly has changed the world of South Africa and by extension the rest of the planet. I look forward to this broadcast.
This video makes me think of an "open" sign on a door: "Walkins welcome."
My question to the audience is this: What does your door say?
I know that some people would love to have someone else walk into their body and give them something to look forward to, to help them feel like their life has meaning.
However, I also believe that we need to walk into our own bodies and be present and learn and do what we need to do with our own life. Each person is special and can create a life of meaning for themselves and others. I encourage people to be present in their lives.
Sandra - Intuitive Healer and Shaman
A Tibetan case of note is Tuesday Lobsang Rampa who uses the term, 'body change' rather than 'walk-in soul.' Rampa says of himself that in a previous Tibetan incarnation he entered Chakpori Lamasery in Lhasa as a chela (novice) and after intensive training as a priest surgen, became a lama and abbott. During a period in China where he went to study American and Chinese medical methods, he survived torture and starvation yet eventually died in the hands of the Japanese during WWII. Almost immediately after (he writes), his soul entered the body of a consenting Englishman who withdrew so he could complete his medical work. In The Rampa Story, he states, "we must bring to the knowledge of many the truth that one ego can depart his body voluntarily and permitanother ego to take over and reanimate the vacated body." One may also note that in Chapters of Life, another Rampa book, he writes, "People fear that which they do not understand, and so if it is said that a person has changed bodies with another, then he is auomatically the subject of much persecution. But, it is necessary that there be incidents of changing bodies to bring it into public consciousness."
Interesting - thank you - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
What a revolutionary concept. I never heard of it until now. Love the video and music. I guess soul walk-ins are needed to carry out certain karma and help assist the karma of others. Perhaps we have all run into them without knowing. I have on occasion seen signs in doctors offices that read, "Walk-ins welcome." :D