The dream shower

A shower, like many dreams, is a refreshing experience many people look forward to. However, for most of us, realizing dreams isn't known to happen as often as we'd like to take a shower. In fact, many people have evolved to take showers for granted, especially if you live where water is abundant. As water use increases worldwide, questions of sustainable water uses arise. What would you do if you had water restrictions? How would you react for your shower?
If your bathroom is a retreat used to rejuvenate mind, body and spirit, you may think about more than simply using water to get clean. You seek a shower that doesn't contribute to sustainability nightmares. A shower experience can be created at home or elsewhere. People are becoming more motivated to use water wisely because of droughts and water shortages. These circumstances have fostered innovations and initiatives worthy of reflection. Which among them would you use?
1) Air-filled showerhead. Melbourne CSIRO scientists developed an innovative tech design for this simple 'air shower' device. When fitted in your showerhead, it fills water droplets with a tiny air bubbles to increase pressure. The result is the shower feels just as wet and just as strong as before, but reduces water used by almost 30%. (Average cost ~20$.) The average Australian household uses ~200,000 litres of water a year, and showers account for nearly 1/3 of this water, the 'air shower' could help the average household save ~15,000-20,000 liters a year. If you extend this across the country, that is an annual saving of about 45,000 Olympic-sized pools.
2) A waterproof 5-minute shower timer. This sticks to the wall of your shower and helps keep track of time. It’s a variation of the popular egg cooking timer found in kitchens. Shorter showers can save water and money. You can choose a humorous alarm sound too.
3) Dymaxion & burst-oriented showerhead. In 1940, Richard Buckminster Fuller invented the Dymaxion fog gun water vapor shower. It uses only a cup of water and inspires a generation of burst-oriented, super water-conserving heads.
4) AQUA-MON, an electronic Water Use Monitor and Leak Detector. This gadget constantly monitors your water use and displays it on a 10-segment red L.E.D. bargraph. When water is used, 1-10 L.E.D.'s light up, depending on the amount of water being used. Normal operation means the device lights up when any faucet is open and can be adapted specifically to showers. You know you have a leak when lights come on but don't go off.
6) Use a bucket. Forget about installing new accessories. Allow shower to fill bucket while soaping yourself over. Turn off shower and dump bucket over body to rinse. Inexpensive alternative.
7) Share the shower. Shower with your children or your partner. Use less water, get even more efficient and still get clean! This is a new way to make the best use of what you have. Make it fun.
8) Create your own dream shower. Find an outdoor waterfall. Go swimming at the beach. Devise some other eco-friendly practices that enable you to wash with minimal water use and minial damage to the environment.