Leave the realm of "I died yesterday"

Imagine someone asks you what you truly wish to do. What would you reply? As for people who are aware of some key hope or desire, they may say it, but usually add reasons why they feel unable to make it happen. You may know someone like this or it may sound a lot like you.
Now, if part of someone you know feels trapped in their own life, it's not you're role to cause them to change. Yet, if it's you who feels confined in some kind of life which is incompatible with who you are, then its time to leave the realm "where you died yesterday." How much of your life will you choose to reclaim? Part of you believes you may have to fight. Ask yourself from whom you wish to reclaim your life, if it isn't from yourself and an inappropriate mindset.
In essense, for a time, you have inadvertently chosen to give at least part of your life away. You may devote time to causes, give money to people, and do other things that make you feel good. The spirit of giving isn't the issue. Rather, its the things you do which cause you to wish you were somewhere else doing something else. Is this because you choose not to learn from a potentially valuable situation? Or, do you accept being what you're not so much you almost come to believe it? Only you can determine the level of contentment and joy inside of your own soul.
The idea of coming into yourself is always possible. You exist to get-to-know yourself better and reading this article is guiding you deeper into that experience. The more you realize what you don't wish to continue doing, the closer you get to what you really aim to accomplish. This isn't what you're doing now, but you had to experience that to move ahead. Now, you're more likely to take steps. As you ask new questions, you reach out and find clues to answers you already know inside.
If your dream would require you to give up all that you know and yet, you prevent yourself from taking a leap of faith, then the world will respond by holding you back from other opportunities. It deems you're not ready. Your behaviour is your own statement of what is enough of what kind of existence. Redefine your view of what is enough of your past and current experience. Rather than think of not having enough of things, consider what it would take to reverse your thoughts. How you think determines the energy you produce, and what you believe will come to pass.
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