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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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"White Syndrome" : suicide in the Great Barrier Reef

Marine scientists in Queensland have a theory. It's their explanation for the rapidly emerging coral reef killer known as "white syndrome". The researchers believe the syndrome is not caused by bacterial attack from the outside, but by a self-destruct mechanism inside the coral. And they say what they regard as a form of coral suicide is a reaction to stress. Humans believe that coral are intelligent enough to make the decision to die.

It has been reiterated that the Great Barrier Reef will die within 20 years unless greenhouse gases are greatly reduced.  Rising sea temperatures had been thought to bleach coral and cause it to die, but now, we have the suicide theory.  What are we doing about this?  Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are making the world's oceans more acidic and preventing corals from forming their protective limestone skeletons. Changing global climates are disrupting the ability of the corals to reproduce and develop and this could be their plea for assistance.

Are we prepared to permit corals to initiate widespread euthanasia? They could be replaced by things like seaweed. That would be the end of a place of incredible biodiversity which also holds mysteries including uninvestigated leads for potential medical cures.

The warning signs had been around since 1998 when a major bleaching event caused the death of 16 per cent of the world's coral. What will it take for government and industry to take heed of these warnings and take more far-reaching action to reduce the effects of climate change?  What is occurring with reefs is caomparable to other vulnerable areas of the environment, such as glaciers and rainforests, which are all changing drastically with global warming.

The dramatic increases in growing rates of coral diseases would be partly explained by suicide. Hard to stomach that the rate of disease has muliplied five times during the past decade. Action is long overdue on climate issues. If we don't dramatically change lifestyles and reduce emissions, we'll endure more than a visible loss.  Scientists believe our last chance is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 % within the next 30 years.  The question is, will Humanity take advantage of this last chance opportunity or suffer irreversible consequences? 


7 reasons for urban-rural population shift

If you grow up in a spacious area like a farm, you may dream of keeping this space. If you're familiar with crowded places, you may dream of having more space or, you may not know what this means. Along this line, you may perceive geographic movement as a desire, luxury, possibly, a choice, or even an unavoidable necessity.

Population shifts or migrants to and from world urban areas have traditionally been a tell-tale sign of many issues. People move for many different reasons; assumed advantages, such as employment, educational and economic opportunities, or forced movement to flee environmental crises, political or religious conflict. Denied human rights or access to health care also motivates mass movement.  People are generally driven by hope or despair, opportunities for sustainable development and an understanding of where they may realize their potential.

The idea of rural-to-urban migration grew when people believed bustling cities would offer higher paying jobs with more benefits and prospects for growth. More was perceived as necessarily better.  In fact, people often traditionally felt they had to move to big population areas to obtain experience and to develop a career. Rural areas have typically been left with small populations to tend agriculture, though rural areas also have seasonal economies including, tourism. Rural industries based on natural resources draw people into forestry, mining, and oil and gas exploration. People uninterested in such work or trades tended to migrate to cities.

Yet, satellite surveys of urban areas are increasingly revealing clear evidence of a reverse shift scenario. A massive urban-to-rural migration has been occurring in Western countries (Canada, U.S., Northern Europe). This phenomenon is also extending into Asian-Pacific countries. Could this result from an environmentally-conscious turn-around? Consider the following 7 reasons which help to explain the nature and advantages of this modern urban-to rural population shift:

1) Desire for enhanced personal lifestyle. Obtaining material wealth isn't a primary motivation for everyone. Although higher-paying jobs tend to be found in cities, entrepreneurs and tele-commuting jobs are sample situations which enable workers to thrive financially outside cities. More people are also realizing the benefits of connecting with the Earth in garden spaces and with their loved ones. Less time spent between in a car commute home and office has increasing value people often can't put a price on. Shared time is becoming a more valuable commodity.

2) Wish for affordable land. Families concerned about environments reflect on where to raise children. Individuals also have expectations for how much private space they would like to own. Where people desire to buy a house, land is often less expensive outside cities and choices broader. Children access more playgrounds and larger residential fields. Adults are also able to access green spaces for leisure when clubs better afford green spaces for courts and sports fields.

3) Availability of technology. The idea of being disconnected from the world is a thing of the past. Modern technology such as t.v., radio and broadband Internet are available most anywhere.  Technology facilitates communication with friends and family, and also mediates work, makes teleconferences possible and brings people closer for business even if they are geographically separated. The excuse work can't be done "in the country" is no longer true. Highly-successful companies are known to assemble talented people virtually precisely because these people may prefer to live in rural areas. Corporate climates are at least slowly changing with technology and making it possible to create different kinds of lifestyles.

4) Fear of terrorist attacks. Modern perceptions of safety and security are changing. Fear and foreboding have become common reactions to terrorism.  This isn't limited to particular attacks.  Perceptions of possible terrorist targets include tall buildings, locations of mass transport, and significant landmarks mostly found in cities. Increased surveillance and random bag checks can cause discomfort, increase stress and plant seeds of fear. People in urban areas are moving to favor more rural living as a strategy to minimize potential contact with terrorists.

5) Exploring retirement options. People who have lived through their own rat race have saved money and seek a change of scenery. Sometimes they choose to relax, but they may also need to work to survive and prefer a slower pace in the country over city options. Aging populations of Western countries will soon surpass numbers of working age people. Retirees overwhelmingly choose to distance from urban life and find or create work where they can interact with like-minded people. The country is understood to be quieter, less expensive and also healthier.

6) Quest for longevity. It's noteworthy that a 2005 National Geographic study determined the longest living people on Earth have been found living in rural areas of Okinawa, Japan, Sardina, Italy and Loma Linda, California. These people live simply on land with minimal disturbances to the world. They redefine balance by eating seasonally and locally, practice tai ch'i, yoga and mediation amidst nature.

7) Growing environmental awareness. All the public discussions about the state of the planet are causing people to think more about the consequences of their choices. They realize a lack of public transport in the country may be reason to rethink when its necessary to use their own vehicles. An exercise focus on walking, bicycles, or riding animals makes sense to improve health and well-being. Growing food appeals as does feeling more connected to the land. People also move to locations where they can assist other people develop more sustainable living. This involves missionary work, volunteering and working for foundations, NGOs or agencies.

One of the predictions of the future is a complete population shift where majority populations will move to rural areas and thus, redefine traditional rural living. The dream would not be to transform rural living into a version of urban living with technology and complexity, but rather, traditional rural services may be refined or extended. This apparent shift reveals a widespread desire to bring the perceived benefits of country living back to the city. The question is, are we doing that or are we bringing the city out to modernize the country? Maybe a happy medium can exist.


Life is a decision conveyor

You may contemplate the impact of what you write, and not realize what your words convey to the world about you.  Being decisive reveals to people that you have gained a stronger sense of who you are and who they are, because they aren't you.  Clarifying more about what makes you special is part of why you exist right now. It is a road of self-discovery. The world is no longer that point of reference you had always used to ground yourself.  You reveal an understanding of why you're in a place at a given time, why other people believe or disbelieve your perception.

It's unlikely you recognize the impact of decisions you make.  The repercussions go far beyond what you know, who you know and where you are.  Somewhere, deep inside, you've realized the value to be found in triggering your own revelations and inner changes.  They resonate outside of your body to inspire and motivate other people in ways that you could never truly anticipate.  People you've never met will begin to reassess their self-image and self-perception based on internal viewpoints and guides that prompt them to ignore outer influences.

Take the time to write as a means to give your soul a voice.  It will tell you if you believe it plays a role in your attitude, emotions and overall beliefs.  You may be re-introduced to your own hidden convictions.  Writing enables you to peer into a new kind of mirror.  As you penetrate your soul, you'll realize you don't have all the answers.  Discover new reasons to continue asking questions. Re-evaluate what you think and why some perspectives are no longer acceptable.  You will only evolve to make new decisions if you decide certain things needs improving. 


Consuming your deceased relatives

Would consuming your relative's cremated ashes be your worst drunken nightmare or would you anticipate it as a pleasurable experience? Some people may be grossed out by this possibility. Other people consider it to be the ultimate form of praise or environmentally-friendly recycling. After all, some people would say, the important thing is to "get back to nature" one way or another.

Earlier this week, Rolling Stones musician Keith Richards admitted snorting some of his father's ashes with his cocaine. As a known drug addict, he supposedly did it as a sort of dare he gave himself while high as a kite. He felt fine afterwards and doesn't think his father would've cared. Richards explains "I have no pretentions about immortality." The question is, even if you don't regularly ingest drugs, would you snort a cremated parent? Would your parent mind if you did? Maybe you hadn't considered this idea before. You may wish to put the idea on the backburner.

I asked friends if they had any related experiences. One woman told a story about a Hungarian family she knows. Part of this family escaped during Communist times and settled in America.  They prepared parcels of food which they regularly shipped via post to help the remaining family cope back in Hungary. When father died while in America, the rest of the Hungarian-American family had him cremated and sent his ashes back with a note in the food parcel so that he could be buried in the "old country," as was his dying wish. The note was apparently lost. A reply letter to America described the "bitter-powdered soup" as creamy in milk and they questioned holes in its plastic bag.

If you feel inseparable from a loved one or relative, this may be the ultimate way to merge into one. Yet, other people may regard you as tasteless or even sacriligous. Would digesting a relatives' ashes be a stunt to get attention or better reserved for the ultimate private moment to say farewell? Different actions or no action will alleviate your anxiety. Don't take my word for it. Decide which camp your in. Sometimes beliefs lead one to take drastic steps. Which is best for you? Leave ashes as ashes or make wet dust your way.


If only life could be that simple

As you dream of the job you have or the job you would like to have, you may dream of greater simplicity.   Many jobs and careers evolve to incorporate complexity and technology. Offices that use faxes, scanners, photocopiers, alarm systems, computers and other machines represent some examples of modern progress. Of course, the latest gadgets will not enable you to feel more satisfied with the results your work, at least, not for long.

You may feel smug if you increase your productivity and reduce your expenses and time spent on projects. However, you may evolve to be driven by 'the next big thing' that will lighten your load.  You may dream of forever increasing your efficiency. Reflect on this. You may buy into an illusion that the newer the technology, and the more of it you possess, the less work you will actually have to do and the better lifestyle you'll have. This would be an unhealthy illusion. Where would your source ofmotivation or accomplishment come from then? If only life could be that simple.

What would it be like if you could reduce, change or simplify the majority of your tasks in your life differently than you already do? You could do away with your palm pilot and revert back to an old-fashioned address book. Why not give up the mobile phone, Internet, PC and blackberry? Take a more hands-on, purely local business where technology isn't needed.

You can ride a bike to work and leave the car at home. You always have choices. It's fine to choose technology so long as you realize what you're doing, where it comes from, and the implications of your choices. Don't let work run your life. Recognize that you are in charge of your fate. Time isn't the only valuable commodity. Your life will be as simple as you choose for it to be.