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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The essence of being

I recall someone encouraging me to take the stairs if elevators to success seemed out of order.  Now, why is humans are conditioned to desire quick access to those things that seem beyond our reach? What is it that makes us feel we need what we do not seem to have?

As we let go of conditioning and shift to a place of non-judgment, priorities mysteriously change. The same things no longer hold appeal.  What does it feel like to let go of what you think you want? Refreshing? A relief? Open the mind and catch a glimpse of true essence.

One view of success is what the ego views as achievement. It appears out of reach so we think we must do something to get fulfilled. If your goal is a half hour of meditation twice per day, and you complete this, the related good feelings evoke a sense of satisfaction. If you aim to develop greater physical flexibility in yoga positions or, mental aptitude in negotiation, success is still 'results-oriented.' Notice what happens as you discover immeasurable kinds of success also exist.

Consider a talkative person who is known for having ideas spinning in his head all the time.  He may typically know restless sleep because his mind is busy working out solutions to his problems.  Then, as he learns to settle the ripples down, he may experience stillness. To allow silence into your life is to discover you attract different versions of success into your life.

As you quiet the mind, you let go of judgment and mental noise. Explore what silence feels like. A sense of success arises as an innate feeling of acceptance.  Its like doing nothing and everything at once, and loving unconditionally, come what may.  This is the essence of being.

Brace yourself: Be what is innate.  Love is your true nature.  Its not the conditional feeling that you get through relationships that mind would have you believe it is.


Harvest what you sow

As you realize that giving and planting brings things back toward you, you will be surrounded by unexpected pleasantries.  Life is full of opportunities to exchange parts of yourself, and this expands far beyond those things you could buy.  Are you aware of the energy being exchanged as yo read this?  When you learn to give what you seek, you also teach yourself to be observant.

Whenever you interact with someone, you have chances to offer something visible or invisible.  You could offer a sapling, a wild flower, a song from your heart, a humorous anecdote, even a blessing.  What comes from inside is an extension of you, your capacity for love, compassion, attention, gratitude, and other genuine feelings that one can't put a price on. Quiet thoughts can also influence the spreading of joy far beyond the reach of your own perception.

If ever you visit others, its considered a wonderful thing to bring a gesture of kindness.  Make a homemade notecard and see the impact this has on the people you visit.  As time passes, you can learn that the more you give from within, the more you'll feel a sense of legitimacy and self-worth, the more you'll increase your capacity to give and give some more.  Your heart will grow.

Imagine, for at least a moment, that you lack nothing, you desire nothing, and you could give infinitely.  This is the attitude that nurtures potential, that has the power to empower people and to encourage yourself from inside.  So long as you believe that you will provide whatever you can to others, and your desire is sincere, all those things you need will just come to you.  There will be no need to ask.  The Universe will respond. Erase any self-doubt and nurture faith.


Lavendar trail

"I was a street kid raised in the inner city. By the time I was ten, I was a savvy customer, and no one could tell me what to do. I got what I wanted by hook or by crook, including a car by the time I was fifteen. One night, I crashed the car--it doesn't matter how--and wound up in the hospital. There were enough brothers and sisters at home that my mother couldn't come to see me exceptan hour a day, and my father only made it after work."

"Being stuck in a hospital bed when you're a teenager is torture. With nothing to do, I became curious about the old woman in the next bed. She was gaunt with illness, and although I knew she must be dying, I wasn't afraid.  Death had no meaning at my age, anyway. Whenever visitors came, they always drew the curtain around her bed, so all I could hear were murmurings. But I'd never seen such a genteel old lady. She sprinkled lavendar water on her hands every morning, and if she knew a visitor was coming, she did her hair and had a nurse prop her upright in bed."

"She never asked me about myself, and since I was only going to be there for two days, I didn't go out of my way to get to know her. She just struck me as quiet and peaceful for somebody who might not live out the week."

"The night before I was going home, I couldn't sleep. The nurse had given me a pill, but I'd flushed it down the toilet. All I wanted to do was get back on the street the minute they'd let me. I dozed off until about two in the morning, only to wake up with a start.  The room was dark, but I saw the old lady standing over me. I would've screamed if I hadn't recognized it was her.  She hadn't been able to get out of bed the whole time, but there she was, looking down at me without a word."

"I asked her if I could help her get to the bathroom or something. She shook her head. It was spooky, so I asked her what she was doing. She said, 'If you're not careful, you'll destroy yourself.' Her voice was clear and strong; that alone would've freaked me out. I didn't know what to say, so I told her to go back to bed. 'Not until we do a little rearranging,' she said, which doubly freaked me."

"I couldn't find the nuse's button in the dark, so I lay there she wasn't crazy enough to hurt me.  In fact, she didn't do a thing. After a moment, she turned away and went back (I assume) to bed. When I left the next morning, she was still asleep. Unpacking my bag at home, I found a small envelope. Inside was a note that smelled of lavendar. It said, I will be dead when you read this note. Forgive me for disturbing you--a mother should never frighten her children.

"That note changed my life. I called the hospital, and in fact, the old lady had passed away (according to records) an hour after I checked out."

"Why did this happen to me? I can't do the cosmic math that brought me into contact with Miss Sophia at that moment. It was just my time, and in her dying moment, she knew it...Everyone has to stumble into their own awakening."

Excerpt is from The Daughters of Joy: An Adventure of the Heart by Deepak Chopra


Amelia Earhart & 6 Tips to learn to fly among the clouds

The groundbreaking career and mysterious disappearance of Amelia Earhart continues to fascinate people around the world. Her journey to become one of history’s most famous female aviators involved many pioneering exploits. 

For example, she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, the first woman to fly solo non-stop coast to coast, she set women's non-stop trans-continental speed record (2,408-mile distance across the Pacific between Honolulu and Oakland, California), and nearly completed the first trans-global flight. That also left a hard act to follow. Earhart's life experience left us a legacy.  Consider these tips to inspire you:  

1) Believe you will beat the odds. A strong will and conviction enabled her to manage huge technical problems, gender bias and financial obstacles.  Success begins inside.

2) Train appropriately. Amerlia's enthusiasm led her to train hard and become technically-qualified to follow her passions. She sought out how she could learn, where and from whom.  She asked for recommendations. Choose a course that is appropriate to advancing your skills and interests. Whatever training program appeals, find one for you and research how to fund it.

3)  Prepare well for each journey. Be aware of your surroundings. Amelia always knew her next departure point and destination. She researched in advance what she would need, including maps, compass and any navigational equipment. She communicated with people who had flown routes she planned and spoke to people who hoped to. All input was used to her advantage.

4) Value contingency planning. In learning as much as she could about airplanes and the projects she was involved in, Amelia was able to sharpen her intuition and have faith in her sixth sense. If she sensed she might forget something, she checked, and double checked. If she sensed the weather would change, she planned for it, and verified with meteorology. Having learned introductory mechanics of her aviation instruments and radio, when things weren't working well, she didn't take any of her suspicions for granted. 

5)Expect the unexpected.  Even with appropriate research and prepartation,  Amerlia learned all storms and obstacles could not be foreseen. She relied on her self-confidence and judgement. For the most part, she came out ahead.

6) Keep your ear to the wind. The people who make real progress in their field are not always those who wait for others to innovate. Keep up on developments and competitions in your line of expertise. Listen to the grapevine. If you hear of anyone developing a new thing, or planning to enter a fantastic new race,be like Amelia, get in there before someone else does. Pave the way.

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself."--Amelia Earhart




Don't be afraid of the truth

You may dream of feeling better about something.  Perhaps you peer into the mirror and reveal a rather quizzical look.  Problems recognizing yourself? You have nothing to fear.  Do you wonder why you're not demonstrating much faith at this point? You've evolved from feeling you do what makes sense in a place where you belong, to feeling alienated and 'out-of-touch' with who you used to be.  Now what? How do you determine what you need to do for what comes next?

Get a grip!  You belong wherever you desire to belong.  You may not think that answer is good enough right now. You may crave something more concrete.  Time alone is what you need.  It makes sence to use solitude to figure things out.  Anxiety reminds you that you have the will to survive, and the ability.  Each time you experience a breakthrough about your life in your mind, only you can decide where that will take you, and if you will lead or follow.

You're ready to take new responsibility for what's lurking around the bend.  Imagine what will happen as you accept what you now know about yourself.  Learning is a privilege.  It would seem meaningless to turn back.  Consider the kinds of vibes you attract to yourself all the time.    You know exactly how to improve yourself.  Its a matter of trust, and being willing to face the truth.  Your life thus far has prepared you for an initiation. When will you welcome your new existence?

If you don't yet feel as though you've been set free from your own chains, its within your power.  You know more than you think you do.  How long has it been since you devised those plans? You're just itching to go right at it, aren't you? You bring your own energy to this project.  The will to learn can always propel you along.  Just stick with it.  Silence that will to fail. Courage is the key to helping you make positive changes. Be grateful for hidden eagerness. Its just waiting for you to find it.