Take another Quantum Leap

Notice a quantum leap is a relatively new term in modern physics. It invites us to recognize unique experiences of evolution. As it is, evolution is widely assumed to be a slow process. Yet, a quantum leap cannot even be called fast. Its instant. It is like we disappear from one point, stage or life situation and appear in another vibrational state, at a different point or a different stage.
And yet, electrons disappear from one point and reappear at another. As one comes to understand energy flow and realizes matter can take instant jumps beyond space-time, it dawns that we are also energy and have unlimited potential. So, as one develops the will, the courage, regulates energy, vibration and consciousness, anything is possible. Options exist to deepen the journey.
Some humans move instantly from sleep to awakening with alarms. A similar experience can occur from spiritual sleep to spiritual awakening. Only, the device or means to allow this to occur may differ. Some may use a progressive path of meditation or spiritual practices or psychedelics as a springboard. The pace is relative to readiness. There is no better or worse way to rediscover true nature. The direct experience of energetic shifts changes with consciousness.

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