Trust the Alchemist Within

This said, nobody can drop "it all" part way. Wisdom arises within like energetic activations based on experience. The hero's journey must come full circle- quest must be undertaken to completion for the fruit to emerge energetically. So, go to the extreme. Put everything, total heart and soul, into it, until it dawns effort is not going anywhere. Effort is itself a teacher. Only then, it drops on its own accord. Meditation happens, not as the result of efforts, but as a happening. As efforts drop, suddenly meditation is. This is not a state we enter into but radiance surrounding everything. It fills the whole earth and sky. True meditation cannot be created by limited human effort. The truth is infinite. It cannot be manipulated. It happens only in full surrender. Without surrender, true meditation cannot happen. That is, its about no-self — no desire, not going anywhere — when you are just here-now, not doing anything in particular, just being present, it happens.

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