The Power of Letting go

The power of letting go of our mind, ego and expectations is often underestimated. This is about allowing things to be as they are, allowing energy to flow, without interference. Fear is powerful energetic interference. It prevents us from seeing and experiencing limitless possibilities.
The part of us that sees the big picture is not the ego, it is awareness of the energy of the big picture, the overview of our lives, and how things unfold freely without judgment. Its helpful to develop an awareness of the presence and impact of judgment on our lives. Eliminating judgment is not practical. We are given ego for a purpose just as our ability to judge has its place. And yet, living from a place of fear blocks the flow of love and all it reveals.
Noticing sensations we are experiencing however, is not the same as judging them. It is judgment that has the power to interfere with the flow. Simple observation is letting things be as they are. When we do not attach or cling, letting go is not necessary. Accept whatever forms the sensations take within. Know everything is energy that is self-adjusting and self-regulating. Listen and be guided by intuition. We cannot begin to imagine what is coming our way.

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