4 Signs you function at your optimum

Its common to assume you can improve something about yourself, your life and conditions. Consider 4 signs you function at your optimum:
1. When an organ is working properly, you are unaware of it
Notice when an organ is working properly, you do not feel it. Involuntary processes function naturally. If you see your eye, you have cataract. If you hear your ears, ringing in the ears is getting in the way of hearing.
2. When you are thinking clearly, your brain is not in the way
Notice the difference between casually looking at something and looking intently, the difference between half listening to something and hearing intently. Doing anything with force has one's focus on muscle tension and misses what is otherwise obvious and apparent. If you tighten muscles to pull yourself together, you only constrict yourself. All humans strain muscles with the thought its achieving psychological results. Straining muscles is actually a distraction to free energy flow.
3. When you are aware of the ego "I" you are aware of the chronic tension inside yourself
Notice you are in fact seeing with your eyes in the sense that everything you see in front of you is a condition in the optic nerves at the back of the skull where you are aware of all this and far more. Yet, how consistently are you aware of the "I" as the eye?
4. The mind has to be empty to see clearly
Notice the biggest ego trip of it all is that you must get rid of your ego. Who is asking to get ride of the ego? How can I stop identifying with the wrong me? You cannot achieve the mystical experience because you do not exist. The realisation you are the mystical experience of the universe. You cannot catch hold of it nor can you get rid of it. It enters your experience by divine grace. When you speak, it is silent. When you are silent, it speaks. All methods are simply gimmicks for strengthening your ego. If you realize you cannot transform yourself, then the main obstacle to mystical vision has collapsed, and that was a sense of 'you'.
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