What enables you to see nothing?

Notice how you are conditioned to accumulate experience, labels, or words to add after your name to describe yourself. As someone asks you who you are, what you do or, why you are here, notice how you respond and how you feel. Does the voice of ego or heart respond? Feel confident or hesitate. Feel impatience for new credentials or, serenity of pure being. Notice what enables you to see nothing, to watch identity fall away.
Notice how losing what you percieve to be important at certain stages of life actually offers valuable lessons about what truly is. What you appear to be losing is never what you think it is. Beyond your conditioning, the nature of clarity reveals itself. Inner experience confirms nothing is happening here. True completeness is unchanged.
In essence, everything that could possibly happen is happening. Your focus of attention shapes what you see and experience. If you say you can or cannot, you are right. Notice all perceived troubles disappear in silence. What is present is never threatened.
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