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How do you feel about soul exchange?

On my Blog Talk Radio show Jan 17/18, I am interviewing an individual who is regarded as a walk-in soul.  This video offers some insight into this phenomena. This inter-dimensional experience is not widely recognized or mentally understood. Share your feelings, insights and experiences.  It is possible you interact or have known soul-walk ins. How do you sense this phenomena empowers you and helps the planet? What energies are you sensing?  Some people sense being aware of this phenomena is a natural part of re-aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (29)

Awareness, letting go, detaching, surrender, opening up, expands awareness in ways the mind cannot imagine. Everyone is a walk-in, and our inner purpose is expand, and by example, help others expand. Thank you for challenging us to open up our perspectives.
January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaushik
Kaushik, every belief is some form of limitation. To let go of every belief, every structure, as to what life is and what is possible, is to open the self to experience infinite unfolding of the indescribable. They reach far beyond any belief or rational thinking that emerges from a limited space of mind. Everyone is invited to step outside their conditioning and rigid frameworks. For reality is found outside anything you have ever convinced yourself is a parameter. As you transcend belief, you open to infinity and experience more because you open up to possibilities and allow them to happen to you. Everyone can free the self of all burdens. Choose now.
January 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I think I may be actually going through the process...
Yet I'm very self conscious and don't want to say to much. Sometimes I feel like a fool for even thinking it...
Maybe it's just post traumatic stress.
Who knows.
I'm not that important, why would anyone want to use MY body anyway?
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie
Life is the most extraordinary unfolding. I first heard of walk-ins in a Stephen King (horror/fiction) story. I remembered being drawn to the idea, and trying to find more information. Nothing was available at the time. When I had the opportunity to listen to Liara and Robert Young, I was motivated to call in. I wanted to know if he could read people like a psychic or intuitive would. I explained that when I was 7 years old, I had an experience that seemed to leave me with no recall what so ever of my life and circumstances before that. I do have a memory of looking down on my young body from outside, and the impression of turning and walking away.

When I asked Robert for his thoughts on this, he responded with a warmth and kindness I hadn't expected, but which seemed familiar. "Yes of course, you are a walk-in too. That's why we're talking now; you are obviously ready to understand this."

I continued: After that experience at 7 years of age, I spent a lot of awareness in talking with beings I felt were outside of me or inside of me but were not me. While I didn't have words for the things I was learning (or learning to clear, or the energies I was learning to hold) I will always remember one topic in particular. That is "telepathy" and I remember it as a topic specifically because I had a very hard time being comfortable with the idea.

I always referred to the beings as my guardian angel. I don't recall if it was a word that was taught by my mother or the beings themselves. Years later my mother said, "Don't you remember, you always used to talk to your invisible friend." My response was jaw dropping, because somehow I thought she understood that they had been real.

I had another reminder at the age of 20; a near death experience in a drowning accident. This was in 1975 and way before I would hear or read anything about NDE's. But it served as a very definite reminder of what I had known as a child. That there are guardians as near by as my next breath. And the love, knowledge and understanding that they hold is accessible for the asking. This is when I began searching to understand the things that I had witnessed and the insights in response to clear questioning.

I still have many questions but there is one thing I know from the way my life has unfolded; much the way Robert talked about it. I have received so many answers and the blossoming of a deep understanding; and I will continue to witness the fullest and most abiding love because it is my nature and my path.
February 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterViolet Light
Natalie, everything you think and feel is meaningful and contributes to your beautiful soul journey. We are grateful for your comments. Every person in our experience is a reflection showing us how we are and who we are every moment. When we experience any discomfort, we can recognize that indicates that feeling is not what you are. Learning to pay attention and be aware, you connect deep within and give the self attention. You experience the truth of who you are through every situation. You begin to feel more natural, less self-conscious and more free. Every action you take is an effort to align with your true self. As you remove the judgment of deciding how you should be and what that should look like, you open yourself up to other possibilities. There are no limtiations or predispositions. Choose to explore the learning opportunities that awaken your self-acceptance.

Walk-in souls remind us how we align with the vibration of being. They communicate using telepathy on a soul-to-soul level. Everyone has something to offer everyone else. One need not be a walk-in soul to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

I encourage you to listen to the archives from my Jan 31/ Feb 1st radio show with walk-in soul guest Robert Young. His presence is loving and reassuring. I sense you appreciate the dialogue--
February 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Violet Light, we are grateful you choose to share these glimpses of your story. As one awakens to what intuition is not, then one begins to realize true intuition is about attuning to what you truly are. It is not only the seeing of symbols, it is awakening to the capacity of sensing beyond thought, beyond doubt, beyond selective amnesia. You awaken to levels of perception that connect you to the universal mind, and demonstrate what it means to be genuine. In other terms, intuition is the synthetic understanding of soul. You discern it like a tuning fork. It is the ability to read and accept your own inner light and sound frequency it as it truly is. You are a timeless vessel, a channel for vibration to move through. As you allow energy to flow, the mechanism awakens to connect you to knowing. When you resist on any level, then you block complete acceptance of what the soul always knows.
February 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Walk-ins are real. I am one and have been for many years. We are everywhere these days. My role down through the years has been to help other walk-ins to realize their new status as a walk-in and to complete their transitions in assuming their new life and transforming it into their individual testimony of light and love.
Each of has our own task to accomplish or that we hope to accomplish when we walk in. First we must clear out the walk-out's karma. This often involves many changes and can be a difficult time for us and everyone around us. We have to acclimate ourselves to being embodied and all that goes with that. We have to heal the parts of body/mind/spirit we inherited and make it ours. For most of us this can and does take years and is an arduous process. Some of us get so caught up in the problems of the life we walked into we lose our way. Luckily there is always help available, a loving guiding hand if we just ask for it. It is my privilege to be that loving hand for those who are sent to me. I am honored to be able to do so.
The road of a walk-in is not easy but it is a fulfulling and wonderous road.
I believe that together we who lift our faces to the light can accomplish great things. ....... Blessings to all.....
February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTaera Ea Mckenna
My soul has been AWOL most of my life. I'm guessing that "she" is fragmented and busy with other projects other places. It's been an enormously trying experience for my body, and it's not fair to her. She's exhausted with all the effort and no reward. Therefore, we're (my body and I) are ready to open ourselves to another soul to enter - one that is more responsible and active in her/our lives. I don't want to "kill" my body in order for this transaction to take place, nor to get ill. Can you recommend a peaceful, positive way to make this transition take place? How can I make sure the replacement soul is deserving of this very cooperative and healthy body? Please advise. Thanks.
March 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNell
If only I had a greenback for each time I came here.. Amazing post.
June 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDionne Christian

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