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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Susan Boyle & 7 Echoes of self-acceptance

Susan Boyle is a Scottish woman who is experiencing unprecedented attention after singing a song on Britain's Got Talent.  Her unfolding dream reveals how the world is awakening to new levels of core consciousness. Consider these messages her behaviour reveals about self-acceptance;

1) Recognize how you think. As self-defeating assumptions take hold, you forget who you are and talents you have.  Learn to discern the process. Core motivation is conditioned to be pleasure. To detach from ego helps end self-deception.

2) Be yourself. Regardless how other people view or describe you, its how you view yourself that matters. To feel at ease and confident means you experience heart and soul as they are. You sense energy and instinctively listen to a loving, inner voice. You forgive people for critics are unaware what they say.

3) Filter distorted information. The senses and faculties shape beliefs and how you respond to trends in pop culture. An unquestioning mind accepts incoming messages and believes the self must conform to images that appear. To doubt your instincts reinforces attachment to what is not really you.

4) Awaken to ignorance.  To be a dispassionate observer of your own life enables awareness of false appearances and choices made as the result of influences that are not you.  Expanding limited ideas of beauty and talent teaches you to appreciate timeless, core qualities in every human being.

5) Overcome afflictive emotions. To allow yourself to generate painful, distressing or fearful emotions arises from basic misunderstanding. As you evolve to sense they do not exist, you no longer anticipate or feel them. You dissolve them and return to vibration of unconditional love. Its all there is.

6) Tackle misperceptions.  When a person removes the mind from considering certain ideas, or distracts mind from what it thinks it wants, this does not get to the core stumbling block. You have to experience things that prompt you to realize the world does not exist in ways ignorance makes it seem. If the physical world exists how people are led to believe, then nothing would ever shift your perspective or values.

7) See the bigger picture. What you do at any given moment is never really about you. It is about engaging a process. Mental and physical notions of happiness and suffering are influential at different stages of one's life. When a person is at a loss to solve a problem, that person is often unaware of a cause or, does not understand universal energy.  As you cease to judge, a gap between perception and thought remains.

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Reader Comments (23)

It really IS about loving yourself and being comfortable in your own skin, isn't it ?
She just shone through with that. Didn't matter to her what anybody said - even though it hurt her feelings - she went and did what she loved and she knew it was good :)
April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
Loving Annie, as human beings choose to awaken, they recognize aspects of themselves always point toward what they seek. All human beings can learn to develop heightened sensitivity to subtle energies withn themselves. This means, any moment you choose, you can see beyond the status quo, beyond what is considered ordinary. The curious thing is, every human being contains extraordinary talents and abilities until the inner spirit chooses to break free of the prison of the mind.
April 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

I am so glad that you did a positive post on Susan Boyle. I have come across so many negative sites spewing disparaging comments. I only hope that she will ignore them and keep the song in her heart alive.
Besides, I can think of a myriad of popular singers who don't have a quarter of what Susan has.
April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, human beings often overlook that negative energy is itself a meaningful teacher. As people grow to sense what inside the self generates bad vibes, they also realize they only every truly judge themselves. In this sense, Susan Boyle is a mirror for everyone everywhere. That is to say, how you respond or react to this woman and recent events reveals to what degree you accept or reject your true self. Anyone who is angry, frustrated, jealous, judgmental or feels any negative energy, is at least partly sensing lack of integrity or ignoring their inner self. When a person you have never met can have such influence over awakening and self-rediscovery, you begin to recognize that interconnectedness is far-reaching beneath conscious radar. You are growing more attuned to your higher intentions and untapped potential, even now.
April 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
1) People often define their limits, and their limits are just illusions. Records are broken every day. Your barriers can be broken with every moment till there are no obstacles between you and your higher self. People are lost in their definitions. Redefine and update who you think you are with each moment.

2) If one listens to critics, then the inner judge or critic is active in one's self about one's self as well as with the outer world. Be comfortable with the costume you are wearing and the role you are playing. There is also the option of changing clothes into something that you would feel that you would shine in. But you can shine in any situation and in any moment.

3) One can ask one's self why they are even attracted to pop culture. What is it that magnetizes us or steals our attention to what is outside of our core selves. By aligning with pop culture, one often steps out of alignment with one's higher self.

4) Yes redefine beauty and love. Expand all definitions till there are no definitions. Be the witness to every situation and decide if it is worth your energy to respond to a stimulus. One does not have to be Pavlov's dog.

5) I have a different sense of what emotions are than most people. I think people are confused about the differences between feelings and emotions. I see emotions as feelings that have been attached to and trapped within the psyche or energy body. They are feelings of the past that have not been digested. Therefore, emotions can have power over us, because we identify with them. If we dissolve them, we can feel the new feelings or inspiration of this moment and not hold onto them as we have in the past.

6) Perhaps it is good to assume that what we are always perceiving is an illusion and that the illusion has no effect on us, leaving us with the lucidity to operate with our hearts desires without any fear or inhibitions.

7) We are in a spiders web, in a matrix where everything is connected. If we loosen or cut some of our strings we have more manuevoring room and our mind can open up to new possibilities. However, we are still connected to all of the seen and unseen energy that is around us. People and beings are tugging and contracting the web constantly. However, if there is a tug or a tension, just relax and enter a state of ease and grace and the whole system will begin to ease up and relax.
April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBerndt
Excellent observations and thoughts! You have a skillful way of boiling a subject down to what is truly relevant.
April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Bernie, dialogue evolves in waves of fluid consciousness.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
~Dr. Seuss

1) The ultimate barrier is that which blocks flow of energy to and from Higher self. Learning to identify and dissolve other mental barriers brings one to that formidable target.

2) Every moment, you are tested in degrees about how deeply you respect and trust the self. A person may ask, “if identity is not reflected in external clothing, what is it?” Exploring why you exist requires no predispositions. Peel them away. Even nudists can open and close their mouths. Thinking is a common mistake, with or without clothes.

3) Popular culture refers to external objects and imposed beliefs. They are not you. Perception is grounded in difference. You appear in the physical as you appear in mind. Reconnecting with higher self means your choices in the physical are aligned with soul. Space is empty.

4) To accept the appearance of self as it is means learning to eliminate judgment altogether. It means shifting focus from (mind) thinking to (soul) feeling and trust self implicitly. As you expand and disregard limits of imposed definitions, you strengthen creative power and work more consciously with unseen energy systems.

5) Your perspective on emotions reminds reads of the power of visualisation. Emotions are sometimes described as spontaneous energy bursts that are unleashed without being well understood. If you do not believe in human-perceived past or future, then emotions do not control you. Feelings are experienced in this moment.

6) Illusions are diligent teachers. They do not give up.

7) The web is a fantastic analogy. Now, juxtapose a kaleidoscope. Manoeuvering room is unlimited. As the world of illusion disappears, the mind disappears, along with any thought that ever held you back from just being.
April 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, Paul Potts was recently interviewed about the Susan Boyle phenomena. As the 2008 Britain's Got Talent winner, he is also viewed as a rather unexpected surprise. Human beings are of the mind that something needs to happen before they can be truly free and fulfilled. In truth, any person finds his salvation within himself. This is not about time, age or what media suggests. It emerges in core confidence, that which propels every human being where he is meant to go. The universe has perfect timing.
April 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. it's great to get to your site - and you have some really interesting points and I'll be back to study more.

I love your pictures .. and the book covers ..

The point that really came home is your "what you do at any given moment is never really about you. It is about engaging a process" .. and I like Berndt's 7 comments and your reply ..

Thank you for coming over to my site - so that I got to yours which will be of huge value to me ..

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Susan Boyle is an inspiration. It just goes to show you that when you focus on self and are confident in who you are and your abilities, it doesn't matter what other people think or say about you, it will not change what is rightfully yours.

Thank you for your awesome comment!
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBruno LoGreco
This is worth watching and listening:

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Hilary, Susan Boyle reminds every human being of the value and wider implications of becoming more aware. People are not always consistent with their thoughts and actions. They do not realize to be fully present and alert would mean they would be free of thought. In general, people are immersed in thought, in how they describe themselves and others, in what they perceive they have or do not. The mind becomes busy. Being in touch with reality means recognizing how distortions creep in and block your view of pure love. Physical existence is not about winning a contest. It is about rediscovering all those things that make everyone a winner right now.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Henry, thanks for including that reference. This is a delightful multi-sensual experience that encourages people to savor every moment. That time is now.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bruno, human beings are repeatedly invited to shift perspective. How a person thinks actually dips in and out of a collective process. That is, judgment of any sort creates a wave of energy. Every being is in the midst of awakening to what is automatic and why. To experience joy is an invitation to do what it takes to share it. When you choose to give your full attention to what creates positive energy, other people are drawn to it as part of a process to awaken and heal their unconscious selves. You serve others without thinking. When you think with ego mind, you temporarily lose sight of your inner state of being and of what you could be doing differently. You are on the way back to your core mental state of pure love.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. many thanks for answering my comment .. my mind isn't terribly with it at the best of times .. a stroked mother, but at this moment in hospital while they try and sort the PEG out .. which has failed twice .. so we're in limbo land .. it doesn't help the concentration .. I'll get there - that's why I need to come back here .. and learn from your guidance.

Thanks - all the best Hilary
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
That was enlightening. You just explained something I could not put my finger on – I kind of knew it, but I couldn’t explain it, now I can. Thank you!
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBruno LoGreco
#2 is my favorite. If she is a true story (that many doubt it is) - then she really inspires me. Being your self, dreaming the dream, making move, and win
Hilary, life experience tests every soul. As long as a person identifies with pain, it seems difficult to break free. That is to say, as long as part of you is invested in emotional turmoil, you will unconsciously resist moving beyond pain. It is conceivable you would appreciate a book called Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor. You can also find a blog post on it here:
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bruno, everyone is always helping everyone else. As you become more aware of details of your present reality, you periodically trigger insight about how and why your pattens have evolved. You recall what it means to be conscious and present. Rather than focus on discarding ideas you believed or nurtured in the past, learn to be as present as you can now. Learn not to let mind to wander.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alik, as human beings realize doubt is an illusion, they hold that feeling temporarily, learn to see through it and then, gradually learn to let it go. Worry and anxiety that something is not true is a form of denial of what is. Fear is the hidden reason for denial. People are afraid of change, afraid of giving up what has come to define identity. Yet, essence is unrelated. To be more alert and aware is to sense reasons for resistance. Surrender to the truth.
April 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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