9 Truths that penetrate from beyond

Human beings choose to exist to learn yet, are unsure what to make of lessons in forms that present. You grasp the underlying cycles and know where everything is leading, yet still ask where you are from and where you will go. The energy being deep within is aware of what other parts of you forget.
Take those people who are unsure what to make ofthe deceased that appear during night dreams. What are they aiming to teach you? To be conscious ofsuch aspiritual presence does not always result in expanding calm or mindfulness. What do you make of it if it happens repeatedly? Consider 9 truths that penetrate from beyond;
1) Everyone is born empty-handed and departs the same way.
2) Your past, present and future are same path yet different.
3) The energy that is you is forever changing and indestructible
4) All soul energy reunites in the timeless place it never left.
5) Consciousness is form and formless to share same stories.
6) The mind creates as it appears and dissolves as it vanishes.
7) To detach from everything is to rediscover true freedom.
8) To reconnect with your true self requires faith and courage.
9) Silence holds all the answers and you access it anywhere.
Reader Comments (24)
Silence allows for a brand new day to begin and silence allows for a past moment to end gracefully.
Silence may or may not hold all of the answers especially if we keep our ears and eyes open to the audible life stream. Silence may lead to answers, but they are really everywhere - in noise and silence. :D
Letting go is such a big job for me - I often need to hear myself speak it outloud.. My massage therapist said do not make everything so hard...do your exercises with ease.
Thank you for sharing the list
We can only hear the audible life stream by silencing our doubts. Silence is the gateway to infinity.
That the soul energy returns to where it never actually left rings true to my beliefs, and where it went or "bent" to was time, I think-the common thread all human life abides by.
Your concepts here really expand conscieousness of living. I find I don't enjoy a day of constant noise. In my dream-sleep world, my parents and grandparents are still influencing me, despite now being gone from physical life. I feel them with me often.
The past date was my Mother's Birthday, tho passed on for 9 years. The lessons leant from her made me the strong person I am today, I always feel that strongly.
Thank you for your reply. I truly resonated with the idea of "no race". I think there is a timed race going on because I have set up boundaries to my thinking and the results I want to achieve. Ahhh I got it!