10 Steps to connect with masters

Human beings do not always admit it, but they often look to higher forces for guidance. People consult oracles and exert other effort in hopes of reconnecting with the supernatural or non-physical beings. These creatures have no form in this world, yet they are ever-present and their power is astounding.
The energy in question inspires faith, motivates prayer, and stirs hope. You sense it, even now. This said, you may still wonder how to consciously reconnect in ways you register and do not misunderstand. Consider 10 steps to reconnect differently with masters of knowledge in Higher realms;
1) Overcome programming. Human beings are conditioned sceptics when it comes to unexplained phenomena. They tend to doubt anything not corroborated by widespread consensus or authorities. They forget they have their own inner knowing.
2) Nurture Patience. Everything happens at exactly the right time. The physical plane does not direct the spirit dimension. Ego desire only controls illusion. Higher beings work on their schedule. You tap into higher energy on a need-to-know basis.
3) Dissolve psychological fears. This phenomenon is not grounded in any concrete danger. It takes form in negative emotions. Reasons for anxiey relate to a gap in perceived time. One can always cope with whatever one is facing now. Some people are so afraid of death, they forget the real purpose of living. Learning to let go of control and stop resisting enables you to open yourself to possibility and transformation.
4) Expand your scope. Regardless of your training, experience or current mindset, you limit yourself with beliefs, values and patterns. Step outside your comfort zone. Believe messages are conveyed. Its up to you to decipher and grow from them. You may sense nature, God, higherforces, angels or something else. Events constantly unfold beneath your conscious radar for your benefit. Now, you begin to detect them differently, even if you cannot explain them fully.
5) Know love is not selective. This universal language is not exclusive, but unconditional. You can never lose love as it is within you. You learn detached love which differs from ego. Expressing compassion while in physical state reconnects to the divine. Everything feels more alive, pulsates with energy.
6) Be present. Rather than apologize for some perceived behaviour or choice of the past, decide to focus on being. As your vision shifts from absence to presence, your faculties expand and consciousness is liberated from thought forms.
7) Stop seeking. Constant seekers reflect inner restlessness and uneasiness. This kind of behaviour reflects the opposite of unwavering self-acceptance. You work toward an end to involuntary thoughts and initiatives that oppose why you live.
8) Detach from the mind. The mind aims to convince you of what cannot be while the heart simply reminds you what is. As you detach from mind, right and wrong lose all meaning. Parapsychological events are common to those who dissolve mental barriers.
9) Choose to dissolve pain. You have the choice to leave behind you perceived suffering. Each though inflates or deflates its importance. You choose your feelings and what you will embrace. To acknowledge and work though perceived pain is to realize something is happening beyond it now.
10) Be yourself. This does not require you to impress anyone. As you evolve to accept what comes and work with events as best you can, with sincerity and good intention, then you have no reason to ask for more. Be willing to digest knowledge you have already been given. As you learn to trust, you receive mind-blowing energy that enables you to redefine dialogue.
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