4 Ways to move beyond addiction

Addictions are extreme behaviors that arise in a person who believes he is incomplete. People develop compulsive habits for different reasons. Each person is on a healing journey. If you dream of being anywhere other than where you are, you refuse to believe healing and redemption are available now.
People consume too much of things when they are under the illusion they do not have enough. They over-indulge in activities as they do not consciously feel satisfaction. They behave in ways which they believe compensate for deep-seated fear and perceived lack and yet, a sense of restlessess lingers.
To move beyond unhealthy behavior, a person must evolve to recognize extremes. As you choose to explore reasons why you permit extremes to arise, you also have freedom to explore feelings that perpetuate and dissolve them. The path to wholeness invites you to recognize different sides of yourself;
1) Address the physical level. Based on gender, unless you are a hermaphrodite, you are male or female or what appears to be half of a whole. You are attracted to whatever you sense is missing. Sexual intimacy is one way human beings seek to fill a perceived gap. For many people, this a short-lived experience because the sense of union does not last. A return to oneness raises the issue of energy polarity and why opposites attract. Certain kinds of love are addictive yet they do no serve you.
2) Examine the emotional level. Addictions arise based on the unconscious refusal to face and work through pain and related issues. Whatever you are using or doing to an extreme evokes discomfort precisely because it draws your attention to what bothers you underneath all that. You surpass the threshold where your chosen distraction is no longer effective. The pain source is more pronounced. As you move beyond ego substitutes for needs, another part of you awakens.
3) Review the psychological level. To identify with the mind is to falsely identify with an external sense of self. In other words, you may create an identity based on your social position, material items, money in your possession, physical appearance, perceived approval and conditioned beliefs. To deny ego is not the same as choosing to understand why it exists. As you stop focusing on self, you dissolve reasons for fear. To consciously empty the mind is to stop resisting what is. An effective trigger for change is to completely accept others and yourself. Turning off the judge takes you beyond ego. That is, the inner critic and will to punish, dissolves.
4) Explore spiritual connections. The non-material, non-physical reminds you of the power of presence. This draws attention to the reality of timelessness. As you learn to live in the present, you sense unmanifest reality. Part of you yearns for an end to duality. This is experienced through connecting with everything. You consciously remove veils of illusion and form to sense pure love. Suddenly, energy aligns. You feel it.
Reader Comments (10)
To me it comes down to 2 things:
1) Consciousness - for if we are conscious about our thoughts, actions and words, we will rarely fall into the unconscious traps of something like addictions
2) Self-acceptance, respect and love
I find that many people just don't love themselves or respect themselves enough to value what they do or put into their body. This is a huge area with so many people today, and in one way or another comes back to the conscious aspect of things.
After knowing a woman who has had a heroin addiction for a number of years, your insight illustrates the lack she felt in her life.
There was nothing I could do to help this person until she found the strength to help herself.
I do believe that her addiction was as addicted to her as she was to it. They seem to give each other what they were lacking while slowing going deeper into the illusion of living a good life.
I wish that she could read your words to know how to unlock those deadbolts in her Soul.
Maybe she will feel these words wherever she is?
You provide a good frame to combat addictions. Good stuff!
Ah, it's all good. But would be nice to feel my jeans loose on me again.