3 Tips for a reality check

The significance of events presents itself, yet people do not always grasp it. The universe shifts to resend its messages. Consider 5 tips for a reality check;
1. Stop Resisting. A series of events unfold to teach how you resist being and accepting where you are. Follow intuition.
Whenever something apparently negative happens, deeper lessons resonate. You are not only drawn to kindred spirits with similar energy and interests, but also human beings who benefit from your help. Experience invites you to re-evaluate what matters and what does not. The subconscious presents knowledge. What are you choosing to receive? Ignore? or reject?
2. Notice delusion. The sources of perceived problems are somewhere other than where you consciously choose to look.
Take notice what you are allowing. Initial reactions may include blaming sources outside yourself for your current conditions or, abdicating responsibility. This is all illusion. As you review how each creature you encounter treats you, review your own reactions and what they say about your fears and phobias. Physical existence offers means to rid oneself of bad habits.
3. Reclaim inner power. Patterns draw attention to your core state of awareness, what remains misplaced and attached.
Thoughts of purpose ground you. To sense no purpose even offers insight into meaningful states and lessons. When the ego mind is given too much control, it distracts you from accessing superconscious levels of knowledge. You gradually access what concerns you at a given moment. As you dissolve resentment, you discard compulsive thinking and forgive.
Reader Comments (10)
What we resist persists until we finally succumb to the lesson waiting for us. It is as simple as stopping the noise in our head and listeing to our intuition. :D
Yesterday, I finally listened to the horse that was telling me it wanted out and I told the owner its wishes. And the horse was very happy for it. I usually minded my own business.
Today, when I came back from jogging a dog wanted to play as usual, but usually I would have just said no. I've been subdueing my typical endless energy. But this time I did and we had quite the energizing interaction. I think she has been trying to lift me up to a new level of experiencing and she succeeded in doing so today.