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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Why is control an illusion?

Whether or not you realize or accept it, you exert no control over what is happening outside yourself.  You have free will and exert control when it comes to your thoughts and feelings, but you don't control anything else.  You are only responsible for you.

Now, if you gaze into a kaleidoscope, you glimpse interacting shapes and colors.  This serves as a fabulous analogy.  Every moment, every human being is contributing to changing shapes and slants inside this kaleidoscope.  Life moves through us and with us. 

Imagine your life as a series of experiences.  You add pieces to your own section of the huge kaleidoscope.  It includes sections contributed by every other creature and living thing.  How could you control all those colors, feelings and experiences?  You don't. The assumption you can is the illusion you create out of a desire to control what you can't.

You are the only person who can discern and change your behaviour.  Do you ever sense your choices are selfish or self-centred?  Do you ever take steps to fight your own resistence?  Pay attention to your vibes.  Listen to your mind.  Choose to avoid conflict, arguments and negative energy.  They are unnecesary illusions.  Why not let them go?

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Reader Comments (4)

Resounding agreement!

May 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber
Donna, its amazing to realize you can't fake your feelings. Pleasant emotions convey to you a message. Unpleasant emotions send you signals as well. You choose what you will take in, reject or judge. Any effort to control stems back to judgement. How you interpret your life story involves recognizing where you repress uncomfortable emotions. To rethink these emotions permits you to let go of control and open infinite doors.
May 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Oh, I do so agree with your assessment ... in my personal experience, understanding WHY those uncomfortable emotions are repressed is the key to release and growth!

May 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonna L. Faber
Donna, feelings are like a physiological gauge that help you remember what you are and what you're not. Many people evade, ignore or deny discomfort when it is one of the most helpful signals. Many people also tense up when it comes to nightmares and they are another form of helpful communication. As you evolve and become more attuned to yourself, you begin to realize that your inner dislogue never ends. Its just you selectively decide what you wish to hear. As you learn all feelings are helpful, you accept everything.
May 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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