What will you believe?

What causes you to believe something? Is it your senses? Must someone tell you? Is it a vibe you feel? Will you get information from a certain source and automatically believe it to be true? Does it have to be the latest trend? Must other people share your view?
Maybe you tend to be more sceptical. Maybe your reflex is to doubt or question everything you see, hear and feel. Maybe you even seem to naturally doubt other people. Where does this leave you?
When it comes to dreams, in order to realize what you set out to do, it’s necessary to believe in yourself and your potential. It’s also helpful to be discerning, to sense the role of logic, as well as when logic has no place other than to disorient you from the truth.
Now, if you don’t know what to believe, you may have a hard time nurturing faith in yourself. Attitude always affects your dreams, the kind of experiences you will have, and also when. No matter who you are, you can always build more confidence.
This said, the key to figuring out how you respond is to determine your sense of self- awareness. You might wonder how this is done. After all, how does one become more attuned to feelings and how they influence beliefs? It’s actually quite straightforward.
How about, one step at a time? You know more than you think you do, and may simply underestimate your abilities. Those things that influence whether you believe your senses and people in the world around you also influence the nature of your belief in yourself.
As you begin to realize everything is connected, you also begin to discern that scepticism or widespread in one area of your life actually carries over to affect your efforts in various endeavours. At the same time, if you readily believe everything everywhere, you are not going to be as discerning about what is good for you by way of the signs your body tells you. So, is there a middle road?
Life is a learning process. Each human being collects experience and takes on board whatever he or she is ready to learn at a given time. What you believe in can change or not. It’s completely up to you. Your dreams are intrinsically related to your beliefs.
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