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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What's the common thread?

What's the common thread in your most life-changing experiences? They are not about you.  They are not personal.  That may surprise you.  In fact, they could involve someone else and you could be just standing in.  You could even step back and live vicariously through someone else and get the message.  Do you begin to sense underlying vibrations?

Many people share stories, and stories have intrinsic meaning.  Stories may also inspire , motivate or discourage others.  Yet, stories mean the most to those who experience them.  They're the only ones who truly understand.  Their truth must be felt by them. 

The common thread isn't linked to fears evoked by stories, like shaky self-worth, esteem or whether others judge.  Emotions simply distract you. They want you to stay as you are, drain personal power and get wrapped up in fear-based beliefs. What prevents you from facing every challenge as it comes, with an open heart? The absence of love.

Let's say the common thread is human beings choose to experience and learn the meaning of love.  Each individual can evolve to sense there are no such thing as guarantees.  Thoughts and feelings enhance our process of personal growth or further blind us from what we deny or do not choose to experience.  You manipulate your own awareness. 

So, what about the common thread? Each moment you decide to gain new wisdom, build on what you think you know.  This will lead you to the next plateau.  Its self-perpetuating.


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Reader Comments (6)

All we have to do is take the inspiration and follow it, see where it leads us. :) Excellent post. Thank you for the book tips. Heading to Chapters later this morning.

Have a great day!
May 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBruno
Liara, I write a lot about consciousness & love as well. It's really true that these are forces that do really help us, once we understand how to be in touch with them. Your readers may enjoy:
May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPamir
Bruno, bookstores and libraries are some of the many sources of information that can serve to bring you back to yourself. Each person whose views you choose to glimpse or absorb is at a different stage of a particular life path. Each being has opportunities to experience increased self-awareness as well as different levels of transformation. As you consciously shake up your conditioned thoughts and patterns, you begin to identify those things that are not contributing to a deep sense of happiness and inner peace.
May 24, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Pamir, thanks for sharing some of your reflections on love. Each human being knows what its like to be fed images about love, whether or not its compatible with our own. The point is to learn not to just go on the defensive or judge what you think is right or wrong. Rather, we can all benefit from opening our minds to thigns we hadn't thought about before. It may actually be a very healthy thing to slowly expand ourselves in love.
May 24, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,
I do say that vibrations are also what we feel, they could be both good and bad. Sometimes we fight these vibrations and we then look at love in our own way, that is what we believe the elements are to us, that make it love or a desire. As Maslow says it is one of our basic needs, but it can go further just as the need of food for our stomach. In a way, we need to self-actualize ourselves. This could change, depending on our situation or, we would just spiral into the abyss. Love is possibily one of the best motivators of all not only in a relationship, but as in what we need to do.
May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjr
jr, thanks for sharing some of your insight on love. Each person does have a wealth of knowledge within, based on their own experience. Its worth reflection.

Some people sense one of the most powerful techniques we have for learning more about ourselves is the mirroring we get from our personal relationships. What we are unable or unwilling to see within ourselves, we more often see in others. This brings to our attention we may not be taking responsibility for what we feel. Instead, we project our thoughts and feelings onto others and focus on them, as a distraction. You can draw other people toward you. This comes as you evolve to let go of unhealthy thoughts.

As you raise your self-awareness, you begin to discern that whenever you dislike and judge others, you also do it to yourself. This helps to explain why we tend to draw people into our lives who help perpetuate our inner wounds and issues we resist facing. This perpetuates our denial and enables us to stay within a comfort zone that is ironically, uncomfortable. To justify turning a blind eye means you are forgetting about unconditional self-love and forgiveness. You can always expand on your experience.
May 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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