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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Sharpen your senses

Each of your senses offers clues to who you are, where your key skills ly, and which kinds of activities would allow you to experience deeper fulfillment.  The key is to attune to how your body, mind and spirit communicate and to remember how to listen.  Guidance can be helpful.

You may notice that certain among your senses seem more pronounced than others. In other words, each of us tends to use certain senses more often through conscious or unconscious preferences.  This comes naturally for good reason.  You can learn from everything but some ways feel easier than others.  Do you notice your own nuances? How do they clarify life purpose?

Here's a clue: pay closer attention to your chosen words and phrases. What do they tell you about the senses you favor and the kind of person you are inside? Whatever your apparent preferences, it suggests new kinds of visualization or other multi-sensual activities will assist you to progress along a path to further clarify your dreams.  You can build on whatever insight you gain.  Begin with a general review of all your senses.  Identify and explore the extent of your comfort zones.

1) Are you a visual person? These kinds of people focus mostly on the power of observation.  When asked about descriptions, they choose words that favor visual images. Their memories reveal they retain adjectives and think in technicolor.  Artists and Scientists can both be visual.  Many life roles and perspectives benefit from strengths in this area. Consider whether you say things like:

-I’ll have a "blue" holiday without you.

-Business prospects appear to be “looking up.”

-It’s great to meet you “in-person” (put your name “to-a-face”)

-The photograph captured the diversity of vegetation, you "get the picture.”

- Are you “watching” me?

-Colors of suffering (i.e., her face was "green" or "jaundice" suggested hepititis.)

2) Are you more of an auditory type? These kinds of people reinforce sound in rhythm or rhythm.  They also choose words which draw attention to, value and magnify the ears. Composers imagine in musical notes.  Musicians, DJs, singers, and secret code writers and decoders are examples of roles where people apply auditory strengths.  Consider whether any of these echo familiarity:

- I “hear” you loud and clear.

- The last option “sounds” appealing.

-Details just “clicked” into place.

-That name “rings a bell.”

“Listen” to what I’m saying.

-We’re “in sync” or "on the same frequency." 

-It must be some-thing "psycho-log-ical” or may be some-thing very “phys-ical..”

3) Do you consider yourself a tactile (touchy-feely) person? Kinesthetics may be your thing.  You may intuit energy and vibes. You may learn and retain best after carrying out a physical activity.   You may also favor more than one of the senses.  Do you grasp space and motion especially well? Consider how you might apply such skills if the following make sense:

-We’ll keep “in -touch”

- "Feel the heat."

-My heart is "pounding."

- He “felt” that she disagreed.

-Hold the "vibration."

-"Crumple" the paper. 

4) Are you someone who lives through the nose? These kinds of people have extended memories based on olfactory intelligence.  Perfume makers fall into this category.  Spice merchants, cheese makers, wine and other beverage connaisseurs, all have strong nasal memories.  Imagine having thousands of scents inside the tip of your nose! You'd be an encyclopedia of scents.  Maybe you utter things like this:

-Something “stinks!”

-His mind triggered the smell of "grandma's homemade apple pie." 

-I “smell a rat!”

-He detected a “musty odor.”

-Her eyes squinted amidst the "smoke and fumes." 

-The liquid hit his tongue with "the distinct texture of black currents, the tartness of cranberry and a light dusting of cinnamon." 

5) Are you a taste-oriented person? Maybe the most intense memories you retain ooze with flavor and savory intensity.  These kinds of people think with their tastebuds.  Chefs and other people with specialty palettes and have no trouble concocting delicious recipes based on a memory of combined. Ask yourself whether you think with more than your overactive saliva and create descriptions like:

-That was a "bittersweet" moment.

-She looks like a “tasty morsel!”

-That person's temperament is “sour/ sweet/ tangy/ bitter.”

-Do you have a “taste for music”?

-The thought made me “lick my lips.”

-The menu led “my mouth to water.”

6) How does it feel to sharpen your listening skills? As you respond to the questions above, you may begin to realize that when you think you are listening, you are missing a large part of the picture that matters to you.  In essence you are taking in lots of information and filtering it through the mind or feeling things through the heart.  As you learn to quiet the mind, you start to recognize distractions arising and they no longer control you.  Life coaching can empower you.

"There is no such thing as a worthless conversation, provided you know what to listen for. And questions are the breath of life for a conversation." - James Nathan Miller

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