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Reframe angel requests

How often do you meditate on a particular outcome or ask Higher Forces for a specific result? You may wish for your favorite sports team to win the coming championship. Maybe you wish to get through the next set of traffic lights before the light changes. People will ask their guardian angels for assistance to win the lottery, to obtain a promotion, or to smooth out a rocky relationship. Yet, what is your desire isn't right for you now? What if you don't see the big picture?

Its useful to learn is that the Universe has a bigger vision than you do. Let's say it has its own far-reaching crystal ball. Angels also have heightened perception which transcends what you think you know. You may pray for a situation to evolve in what you understand to be in your favor. Brace yourself. This might be a big delusion.

As your life evolves, you'll discover reasons to feel humble. Events are meant to unfold to enable you to deepen your sense of perception. Rather than allow the frame and the world around you to distract you, your angels will offer you chances to grasp new details about the picture of your life. You wouldn't truly understand how you frame your existence without knowing more about the real picture inside.  So often, we all miss subtle nuances. We see purpose and value in fleeting moments, encounters and emotions, yet, our attention is diverted from the source of life force inside ourselves.  Why not learn to see beyond conditioned mindsets?

Angels help us to learn that some of our requests for assistance are unfounded, unnecessary or, made out of ignorance about what is truly vital. We have to trust and have faith that what we think we want isn't always what will unfold. Just like you can't have existence without some kind of frame to guide free will and choices, you can't have a real sense of understanding without living and learning as you go.

So, if some of your angel requests seem denied or ignored, you might feel like no spirit is listening or caring.  However, be not deceived by sparks of self-doubt or impatience. Your gaze is meant to evolve beyond the meaning of the superficial frame you created. Focus more on the significance of the unseen. The frame you devised will fade gently and you will gain so much more. Angels are always listening.

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Reader Comments (2)

Your thoughts on this are great. We don't always ask what is best for us, and even when we do, it might not be the right time. We must trust that all will come in it's own time, when we are ready. We must trust that their our times when our vision to myoptic and that we did not need what we asked for.
September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Appreciate your comment. Always good to get feedback. As a person chooses to believe, he or she'll come to sense Higher Forces at work. Angels function under very specific guidelines. Humans aren't always aware of the heavenly rules.

In any situation where you feel uncertain, its useful to ask yourself what you hope to gain. To envision a clear, positive goal enables you to perceive a situation as a means to make it happen. Results don't always unfold your way not because faith has been denied you, but because you didn't place faith where it rightfully belonged. If you create your own illusions, the truth as it is can't capture your attention or, you won't choose to see it. To miss the gist of a situation means you won't intuit relevant angel messages either. It all coems back to free will and your own choices.

This is the opposite of ego-based thinking which assumes situations bring whatever experience is meant to come. The ego is only aware of what it doesn't want. At times, people may trigger negative feelings which invite undesirable outcomes.
September 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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