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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Deny the power of fear to conceal joy

Within you isn't what you consciously believe is there.  Your invisible core is comprised of what you choose to have faith in.  That's right.  Provided you decide to give no energy to guilt or fear, then they can't survive.  In your mind, you can refuse to believe in them.  What you really want is to deny the power of fear.  It assumes it can conceal joy.  Prove fear wrong.   Choose to spread positive feelings instead. 

In other words, by interpreting fear as the positive affirmation of the hidden love, you undermine the ego's perceived usefulness.  You project fear to hide your limitless source of joy.  How quickly we forget.  What if the only purpose fear has is to cause us to forget the power of love?  Would you permit negative feelings pull a fast one over you? If so, you can always change your mind.  See through the veil.

Rethink each situation or experience where you're tempted to succomb to pain and fear.  Consider what happens when you consciously make an alternative choice.  Interpret in sickness, criticism or wrongdoing against you to be a call for attention, compassion and love.  Offer to others what they seem convinced they're unable to offer themselves.  You will feel more complete as you help others see reason to nurture positive thinking.  Rekindle new faith in yourself and in others.

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