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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Each of us perceives some things in abundant supply in our lives. However, visible and invisible sources of affluence exist.  Whether or not you appreciate everything remains to be seen.

A writer is never at a loss for words.  Ponder how you express words with and without judgment.  Notice words adopt the connotations you give them.  Alone and quiet, they mean nothing.  The question is, what is the intention behind a writer's words?

An experienced builder offers a wealth of insight to architects and city planners.  The question is, does such a builder acquire knowledge for his own benefit or does he have an altruistic side?

An investor can build a large property portfolio.  The question is, is this investor working purely for himself (i.e. is he self-interested), or does he have a wider vision for whom he is or can help?

A missionary tends to overflow with religious ideas.  The question is, are people always persuaded that his perspective on the world is as valuable as he thinks it is?

You may have more than enough food to eat and consider you have enough to waste. After a dinner party, you may have so many leftovers, you compost for worms, leave some for the raccoons and throw some in the garbage.

A family may consider its pets to be its greatest source of wealth. How many people do you know whose cats, dogs, or other animals have become the centre of their universe?

Parents may feel their primary source of wealth is their children or other family members. The levels of love, affection and compassion shared may seem inexhaustible and unconditional.

Such examples remind you wealth is understood in different ways. It could take the form of money and material possessions. It could be something  measurable or immeasurable.  

In essence, you feel rich when you focus on what triggers joy in life. Wealth begins as a state of mind.  If you desire to create new kinds of affluence in your life, as you visualize it, then you'll be more likely to realize it. 

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Reader Comments (2)

Ah, ha! I see how this ties in closely with the post that follows -- the one I just commented on. Wealth does start with a state of mind indeed. Our perception of where we are in life. Luckily, we can raise our vibrations very high instantly if we are aware enough to do so, all it takes is tuning in that all is always well.

I think affluence for me would be debt-free. I'd like to get there! I want to create it.

We really do attract what we want in life!

July 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, when you create a vision and talk about it as a future reality, you are continuing to think about it as currently out of reach. Begin instead with the view that everything is already here, the perfect state of being, perfect conditions. Live as though this is here now. Talk about it in the present tense. Behave in such a way as you are reinforcing this sense of present reality. Creata vision board (image collage) of what life is in these conditions.

An interesting example is to host a party set 5 years in the future. Ask all your guests to come and be in character, talking as if their dream is already realized. Feel the energy, joy and enthusiasm buzzing. This is shifting your focus of attention and raising vibration.
July 4, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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