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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in witness (8)


You are remembering

Right now, you are remembering more.  You are sifting through what you are not and awakening to what you are.  You recognize the witness because you know this is you.  The witness of mind tells you the mind is not you.  You are the light that shines its focus on perception of events.  The light intercepts and interprets glimpses of vibration.  You are the essence of being and non-being.  When you feel emotions or inclinations that seem out of character, you may sense an interdimensional bleedthrough of other aspects of yourself.  The essence of being is in more than one place now.  Dimensions are layered.  You are integrating past/future aspects of you.


How do you respond to ridicule?

Ridicule affects people differently.  Some people react to ridicule with intense emotion and/or use words.  Ryokan offers another example.  He is a Zen Buddhist monk who lived much of his life as a hermit. He responds to ridicule by bowing deeply in silence.  He does not seek to explain or justify himself.  

What if you allow energy to flow and respond to everything and everyone with kindness? Take a moment.  Notice what you feel is happening.  Wisdom is not acquired, but reveals itself inside as one lives fully. 


Who is the dispassionate witness?

When you identify with mind, you may view self as different from or even superior to, a point of reference. You may ask, "Am I a human looking at a tree or a tree imagining I am human?" You may ask, "Am I the mountain coming toward a human or a human approaching a mountain?" or, "Am I observing the accused in court or the awareness of unresolved fear, guilt and a yen for self-purification within?" Regardless of chosen examples, what matters is why you open to a given experience, and what do you feel invited to remember now?

As long as you notice difference, you are lost in illusion at the level of mind and obscure reality.  When there is a self, this is the witness.  In pure consciousness, nothing happens.  The witness to whatever you are experiencing right now is not a person.  This comes into being when you create reason for it. Everything is a momentary event unless you mkae something out of nothing.  How is that synchronicity?

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