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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 Tips for soulful living

When you live true to your soul, you feel peace, contentment, abundance and fulfillment.  You actually experience what the ego mind tells you to keep chasing.  You may be asking, how can I be happy now? Ponder and integrate these tips:

1) Meditate regularly. It is often assumed meditation is simply sitting in a lotus position in silence. In fact, one can meditate anywhere and many approaches to meditation exist. Everything is a divine creation because you are a divine creator.  Being consciously creative in the kitchen, garden, with paint, wood or other materials can also be a form of meditation when you lose all sense of time. Explore options.

2) Take up spiritual pracitce.  Disciplined spiritual practice enables you to strengthen and sharpen the body verhicle.   Yoga, Tai Chii, Chi Gong and other practices prepare the body for meditation so you hear your soul clearly.  This is about harmonising your physical and energy bodies,  gaining insight into emotions as they arise and mastering your mind. Spiritual practices also exist to balance each chakra

3)See Beyond "You". Divinely-inspired activities that reflect a soul calling  are not motivated by ego or self-interest.  The human vehicle you use simply divine light in action and can allow grace to work through it. Spiritual practices allow you to deepen discernment so you recognize what is soulful or  not.

4) Notice synchronicity. When you follow inution, you come to discover a trail of synchronicity to guide you to make more choices that feel right.  The logical mind does not understand, does its best to question, instil doubt,  talk you out of listening. If you cannot explain why, its likely divinely inspired.

5) Nurture the unexplainable.   A divine idea is formless, much like truth itself is formless. Every divine idea comes down through your heart and mind and takes specific form with perfect timing.  When you are ready, it begins to take more concrete shape within you through feeling alone.  As you nurture what you cannot explain, you are allowing it to grow and emerge into the world in its own unique way.