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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in spiritual energies (1)


10 Ways to purge junk energy & re-energize

Human beings exist to raise awareness of energy functions within and without. Some people are more willing than others to awaken.  Unwanted thought forms invite negative energies, people, situations and spirit entities that perpetuate what you do not want.  This applies to dreaming and awakened states.

At a given moment, if you feel tired, you may wonder why people or dream entities seem to be draining your energy. During astral projection and earthly events, you may be confused about base energy. You may not realize thoughts create and attract form and formless energy. Consider 10 ways to eliminate unwanted energy vibrations and re-energize;

1) Rest properly. You know by the mirror and also based on energy reserve whether you are sleep deprived. Not getting rest lowers vibration and makes you vulnerable to people and entities that exist to drain energy. They know not what they do.

2) Declutter your life.  This applies to work areas, living space, mind and relationships. Its all interconnected.

3) Heed your dreams. Dream messages come in metaphor, allegory, symbols and sensations to offer wisdom right now.

4) Detach from criticism.  Any form of criticism is a form of self-sabotage. To judge others is a way to reject yourself.

5) Be alert to your mood.  How you feel sends out vibrations and attracts people and situations on a parallel wavelength.

6) Dialogue with guides. Whether in angels, Higher forces, God or universal energies, ask for soul protection.

7) Attune to love.  Positive energy is magnified in loving attitude and compassionate thoughts. You attract energy.

8) Care for the body. To be more conscious of healthy foods, exercise and other choices, all strengthens well-being. 

9) Examine your entourage.  People you hang around or dialogue with shape your words and emotions. Who helps you?

10)  Forgive yourself.  To choose to value what everyone teaches you means you learn to forgive everyone else as well.


"The more we can purge ourselves of the diseases we create the more we can become magnificent people."  -Judith Light