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10 Ways to purge junk energy & re-energize

Human beings exist to raise awareness of energy functions within and without. Some people are more willing than others to awaken.  Unwanted thought forms invite negative energies, people, situations and spirit entities that perpetuate what you do not want.  This applies to dreaming and awakened states.

At a given moment, if you feel tired, you may wonder why people or dream entities seem to be draining your energy. During astral projection and earthly events, you may be confused about base energy. You may not realize thoughts create and attract form and formless energy. Consider 10 ways to eliminate unwanted energy vibrations and re-energize;

1) Rest properly. You know by the mirror and also based on energy reserve whether you are sleep deprived. Not getting rest lowers vibration and makes you vulnerable to people and entities that exist to drain energy. They know not what they do.

2) Declutter your life.  This applies to work areas, living space, mind and relationships. Its all interconnected.

3) Heed your dreams. Dream messages come in metaphor, allegory, symbols and sensations to offer wisdom right now.

4) Detach from criticism.  Any form of criticism is a form of self-sabotage. To judge others is a way to reject yourself.

5) Be alert to your mood.  How you feel sends out vibrations and attracts people and situations on a parallel wavelength.

6) Dialogue with guides. Whether in angels, Higher forces, God or universal energies, ask for soul protection.

7) Attune to love.  Positive energy is magnified in loving attitude and compassionate thoughts. You attract energy.

8) Care for the body. To be more conscious of healthy foods, exercise and other choices, all strengthens well-being. 

9) Examine your entourage.  People you hang around or dialogue with shape your words and emotions. Who helps you?

10)  Forgive yourself.  To choose to value what everyone teaches you means you learn to forgive everyone else as well.


"The more we can purge ourselves of the diseases we create the more we can become magnificent people."  -Judith Light

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Reader Comments (15)

I had a rare late blogging session last night, until about 1:30 I think. I am feeling quite tired and not in my usual higher tune, but this shall soon pass with a good sleep. Cannot underestimate the necessity of rejeuvenating rest, that is so very true.

But earlier today was great and my good mood did seem catching to those around me.

I did a fair amount of decluttering in my home today too! So freeing to release items that no longer hold any purpose.
June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Hi Liara,

The choices we make are what makes us stay awake or fall asleep at the wheel of life. Keeping ourselves stimulated and alive helps us attune to the higher vibration and keeps us aligned with our purpose. :D
June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Jannie, its tempting to allow the activities available in the physical world to distract the mind, body and spirit from core needs. Even choosing to ignore your better judgment is meaningful. Every experience shapes soul alignment.
June 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, you can sleep while awake, or awaken while you sleep. Each person decides on a vibration and can shift away from that or, reconnect with the baseline frequency of the authentic self. You unleash and mobilize creativity, regardless of mental or other state. Each person learns to heal and relax though facing a hidden, shadow nature. Everything anyone feels brings truth to the surface. How you respnd to what you are given is totally up to you.
June 2, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Another fabulous post. Our choices drive our existence. It is amazing how many people still have yet to get that, and your insights inspire, for sure. Keep it up!
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermolly
Molly, as you imply, the more conscious and deliberate the choices, the more conscious the connection with everyone, eveyrwhere. A person can trek to the highes peaks in the world, explore the deepest oceans, in search of meaning, identity and authenticity. In essence, the fields of energy consciousness created by ancestors have not disappeared. They remain accessible to everyone as people awaken to the significance of what you have exprienced already. Feelings of love, reverence and gratitude resonate on the same plane. When you feel good, you connect with everyone else. Dialogue and conscious connectiveness are required to raise vibrations of the world. Each instance you demonstrate reciprocity, compassion, empathy, unconditional love an respect, you are healing yourself and helping to heal others, even now.
June 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. All you say is true .. and some I can reach for and work on immediately, some are too tied in with my situation where my mother comes first, and some are down the road when I'm free.

I like the idea of decluttering and only keeping positive energy are definitely two I can do now ..

Thanks for the ten points ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
This was a wonderful list, and I can keep going back through each point and finding ways to improve. I appreciate it!!

June 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTabitha Blue
Hilary, consider a useful exercise you can do anytime: In a given day, pay attention to how power is used around you. You can visit natural creations like the ocean, mountains or forest terrain, the site of a recent storm, or view pictures of such places. Look at human examples or extensions of 'power,' such as architecture, slums, power stations, garbage dumps, churches and other structures. Notice how you feel. As you learn to assess your emotions and feelings while visiting or looking at images of these sites, you can learn to better understand yourself.
June 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
A long time ago I discovered that I could heal my relationship with cleaning by focusing on the process of cleaning and how good it feels to have my life be surrounded by beauty. I am not always the cleanest person, but this has helped me a lot in my life.

These are some great ideas. I look forward to our interview this week!
Amy, the power of intention is life -transforming. To believe in the self is the path to tapping into inner-knowing. At some stage a person dissolves doubt. Self-love takes over. For those people who nurture a shadow of doubt, that weakens or undermines the power of intention. However you think now, you can still change.
June 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I kinda got lost on your blog. So much to read! Interesting lessons here.
June 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr. John
All wonderful tips. I especially like being kind to oneself and hanging out with positive people--that makes a big difference.

June 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermike foster
Thanks for this post. I'm really curious to learn more about negative energies because I had an experience last year that really woke me up spiritually. I've always been open-minded about being a soul in a body, but this experience really left me wanting to know more.

I awoke to my bed shaking pretty violently, side to side then lifted up and down. I pulled the covers over my head and, after awhile, asked out loud for it to stop several times. I was paralyzed and too frightened to move but my mind was super awake. It felt like something was trying to get into my body. (Sounds crazy, I know.) As soon as it stopped I shot out of bed, looked around; nothing. I didn't even try to fall asleep after that.

It had to be a dream, but it was such a physical experience that I can not shake that memory from my mind. I had just done a reiki class that morning and felt so content the whole day before; it would be weird to have a nightmare after that.

Can you recommend any reading about this topic? I'm hesitant to talk to many people about this because I'm not entirely sure how people would respond! Thanks so much!
April 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKrista
Krista, black tourmaline is a protective material that effectively repels negative energy. It is available in different forms. Other crystals are also effective tools.

Be aware you embody a vibrational paradigm. You hold energetic patterns that are discernable while awake or asleep. Notice the nature of energy vampires. This article offers insight-

Everything is a dream within a dream. You are riding through waves of energy. You are led by intuition. Fear is a sensation present in the body when you hold a desire and a belief that contradicts it. Noticing fear means you notice resistance.

On this site, you can also review Amazon recommended books and my own. Root causes of fear and fearlessness are key topics you already intuit invite attention.
April 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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