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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in shaman (8)


What is nature telling you?

Human beings report experiences in nature that draw attention to messages in the unconscious mind. If ever you catch a glimpse of a creature, reason always exists for it. You may ask what sudden appearances of birds or animals are telling you. Whether or not you believe in animal totems, you may begin to know something is happening, shifting and transforming.

Consider a woman took what turned out to be an extended three and a half hour hike in the wilderness. At one point, she sensed she was lost. Something within her felt disoriented. Lo and behold, a crow appeared. He flew a few trees ahead and moved his head as if to beckon her in a particular direction. His flight path and gestures suggested a curious familiarity.

This bird flew from tree to tree for more than two kilometers. The woman felt as if she was back on track. Then, the crow disappeared, only to reappear further down the path almost right in front of her. This bird vanished and reappeared again. He continued to guide during segments of the remaining trek.

After the crow vanished, on the home stretch, this woman glimpsed two foxes. Seeing each fox appear and disappear into the forest without disturbing anything in its path triggered moments of revelation.  When trust is present, silence speaks.

The woman became more aware of her actions in relation to the world. She realized she used the art of camouflage to keep cunningly silent about who and what she was. She suddenly grasped she was never lost on this path or her own, but only making free will choices to enable her to create situations she was ready to handle. She better understood who she was, who she had always been, and accepted it. 

Birds and animals have cultural symbolism. Someare linked with character, emotion ad idiomatic expressions. As you separate from the illusion of fear, nature shares secrets.

From the perspective of Native Americans and Shamans, crows are sacred spirit messengers and guardians of universal laws. Crow illustrates how energy can bend physical laws and shape-shift. They are masters of illusion and gatekeepers of ancient wisdom. They come to humans to warn of danger and to jog memories of untapped inner power and spiritual strength.

One is reminded guides take form to help humans attune to what they already know, but temporarily choose to forget. So, crows appear to enable access to inner knowing about what not to do or be. How each situation is perceived and handled is what matters. Nature is a place of orientation and awakening for those ready to shift more than misplaced programming. Cleanse the mind and misunderstandings just drop away.


Discover the shaman inside yourself

Notice when you feel alienated or 'out-of-place.' Your emotions are a gauge. They tell you when you are listening to soul, being true to self or not. Like a shaman, do you allow intuition and Nature to guide your choices? If you cling to the opinions of others, you allow yourself to live on borrowed knowledge. Ignorance and fear may block your access to timeless wisdom. You may ask, what can I do about it?

Be aware when you focus on stories and dreams of other people. This may result from conditioning. You can also view everything as an invitation to discover the shaman inside yourself. Access innersight that enables you to see deeper into the here and now. What behaviour allows soul secrets to reveal themselves?

1) Watch your thinking process.  Choose to live in such a way as you know life is as easy as you make it.   Be present and focused on a matter at hand rather than lose your focus in multi-tasking.  Change the way you think about thought.  Know thoughts are powerful enegy.  Sense all you do evolves naturally. 

2) Be open to shift focus. Stop believing you need what you don't have or that you must control what is uncontrollable.  Review the personas or facades you put on and let go of the person the world thinks you are. See from the vantage point of equality.  Flow into states of abundance and heed the impulse of generosity.

3) Break down your largest challenges.  Become a master anticipator. Sense that you can manage anything step-by-step.  Set an example by thinking of others and serving them rather than being blinded by self-interests.  Change the way you perceive darkness and fear.  Sense they help you see the love that exists. Discern you are an instrument to something greater that empowers you.

4) Be willing to admit you don't know.  This reflects strength.  Watch the ego impulse.  Admit you never really know what is best for other people.  Trust instincts about self yet, remain humble.  The energy of humility is magnetic.  Release your urge to impose ideas.  Sense immeasurable capacities exist within that are unleashed from the moment you believe in the unseen.


Jumpstart your greatest healing potential

People hear stories about witch doctors, modern physicians, shamans and holistic healers, but seldom realize we all have an inclination toward specific types of healing. We develop and explore healing options consciously and unconsciously, at our own pace.

You guessted it! We all have healing talents and are more receptive to certain kinds of healing practices. Yet, many people don't realize this or take steps to apply this to perceived states of well-being. Where might you fit in? A good starting point is to recognize your innate strengths in a sense or in combinations of senses. What will you do after you identify yours?

1) Are you an avid listener? People with a knack for healing through words are to whom you'll most likely confide. Ever find yourself suddenly opening up to a friend, relative or, even random strangers in passing? This would imply you're drawn to their healing energy and feel comfortable sharing private feelings and intimate parts of yourself.  Maybe you're also an exceptional talker? Certain healers help others by listening, speaking and sensing vibration. Its all in tone, word choice and establishing a human conection. When these healers don't apply their talents, they tend to block their energy flow, and may experience headaches. Tools such as Tibetan Singing bowls are effective.  Cells vibrate and hear.

2) Are you sensitive to touch? You may be the sort of person who naturally hugs or kisses people you meet because its automatic. Being touchy-feely is just who you are. You may also intuit when people establish boundaries in their personal space. Its a question of knowing who likes to be touched and feeling comfortable talking about the power of touch. These people work with the skin, seek to soothe muscles, and sense benefits of applying gentle pressure or massage. Head, neck and shoulder tension can build up in muscles if you fail to use touch-healing abilities.

3) Are you aware of energy & auras? Some individuals have no need for physical touch to help others heal. If you sense energy fluctuations as you bring your hands close to the physical body, this implies you have potential as an "auric" healer. You can grasp how to unclog and channel energy flow. If you under-utilize innate auric abilities, you may sense energy build-up, tension or arthritis in arms and hands.

4) Are you the type to visualize? You may retain and share the most detail through your visual senses. This doesn't assume you simply look at people and heal ailments on the spot. However, you may visualize the source of someone's health problem and help alleviate pain and suffering, even when the person isn't nearby. You may use your mind to intend problems to be cured. You can imagine all the steps a person would experience internally during a physical or emotional process of recovery. At the same time, visual healers resist focusing on long-term outcomes. To send a message of healing through love, telepathy and positive visualisation, is the goal.

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