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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mind (138)


The mirage is mind itself

People ask that if their sense of physical reality is only a projection of mind, then why are attitudes hard to change?  One perspective invites you to consider why you resist the unconditional love that comes easily.

To begin to discern nothing exists but the mind is a meaningful stage in raising awareness. Just as a blade cannot cut itself and a light cannot light itself, consciousness cannot perceive itself through the mind. A mirage is unaware of its essence. Notice where your misperception limits you.  Choose to allow expansion.


Remove the blocks

What if you simply remove the blocks that stand between what you think and what you know? How does this shift your sense of what you have been, who you are and who you are becoming?  

To jog the memory about what you have made or done is unrelated to the ultimate unveiling. Much of what you conjure up in the mind does not exist. Strengths and weaknesses are conditioned by people you meet and other messages dictated by the external world. Notice how you make silent judgments about what is possible or acceptable and choose not to recognize the successful, worthy, limitless being you already are.


Vanish into everything

As you grow conscious of the present moment, you sense the presence of the present and feel being part of everything.  Imparting information reflects thinking.  While you experience, there is only presence.  This is like vanishing into everything you see.  You no longer witness, describe or use sensory perception to relate to things.  You begin to know how it feels to be things.  The essence of you knows, "I am that."


Watch the gatekeeper

Now is the moment to remember what it feels like to be increasingly present and aware. How often do you play games with the mind to explore its capabilities? Notice the insight you are gaining as you do so. Every moment, you decide what to let into the mind and what to keep out.  Thought and perception of past and future distract you from remembering who you are right now.  Consider how you act as a gatekeeper. 


Rush no more

Many people rush through life as they are told the proverbial clock is ticking. Some people notice that acquiring experience and labels to define personal identity loses appeal, even grows meaningless. What happens as you begin to sense no self actually exists? How does it feel to begin to tame the mind?

Something inside echoes nothing has any inherent reality.  Nothing belittles what you have done so far.  The truth is not found through the lens of mind.  Seeking results merely blocks true mind from manifesting.  To reject or accept what arises in a scope of awareness is still action.  Silence and stillness reveal what is.