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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in memory (8)


See what is 

To see what is, is to see through the layers of the mind that prevent seeing with the heart.  One knows limitless being and free flow.  Yet, the mind would have you imagine and focus on limitation.  Many influences keep attention focused on what is not.  When you are driven by personal attention and gain, you miss more than subtle nuances.

The natural state of being carries no message.  It is like space without memory, without beliefs and attitudes. Nobody is being silent.  Time is unaccounted for.  Recognition of an unbroken flow is objective seeing. Actions unfold without you.  What is does not change only your perception and acceptance of what has always been. It senses the effortless presence that is available to you when your eyes are open to it.


Tap into perpetual memory

Many people speak of temporary or short-term memory yet, how often do you actually tap into perpetual memory? You may briefly forget that when ready, you open spiritual senses and timeless archives. 

Even now, you are in the process of looking out from the heart centre of your body to the external world. How does it feel to visualize yourself from inside the body gazing out? Open up and push outward now. Notice you can move your point of concentration.  Point of reference itself can Transform Your Life.


Remove the blocks

What if you simply remove the blocks that stand between what you think and what you know? How does this shift your sense of what you have been, who you are and who you are becoming?  

To jog the memory about what you have made or done is unrelated to the ultimate unveiling. Much of what you conjure up in the mind does not exist. Strengths and weaknesses are conditioned by people you meet and other messages dictated by the external world. Notice how you make silent judgments about what is possible or acceptable and choose not to recognize the successful, worthy, limitless being you already are.

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