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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in magnetics (1)


What could happen with a pole shift?

In a pole shift, according to individuals like Drunvalo Melchizdek, no person has been able to figure out definitively how a planet like Earth with its size and inertia could suddenly move off its axis, as is predicted in relation to 2012. This would require huge amounts of energy. What are some options?

Consider magnetics. The crust of Earth is 20-40 miles thick. Underneath that is the upper mantle. That is what holds the outer core to the inner core of the planet. Scientists learned without magnetics, the upper mantle could become a liquid. The crust would then be free to move within a period as short as 15 days. Imagine the ice developing off centre in the south pole (2 miles high). If this kind of thing were to happen right now, you wake up in a new place in relation to the equator.

Consider Mayan prophecy. They predict major lines of magnetic energy are changing. Their civilisation has survived two pole shifts, one 13,000 years ago and another 26,000 years ago.  They claim that to survive a pole shift event, one needs to be connected to the heart and the heart of the earth. They say if you are 'in your heart,' you will not die. Their full prophecy has yet to be fully made public.

Consider how consciousness changes as humans move within cycles of time.  Knowing the planet is alive also affects expanding awareness of what is.   The pole shift will enable people to sense fields in the brain, around the body and throughout the universe in new ways. Heightening sensitivities emerge. You create with your brain or your heart. There is a big difference. The brain creates equal and opposite things. To create from the heart never harms anyone anywhere.

Imagine that to enter the fourth dimension, means whatever you think and feel happens in real time.  Once you enter this level of consciousness, you are at the level of energy vibration as other beings you do not necessarily see of believe to exist.  One view is extra terrestrials will be seen as having been here in formless states and most of them would like to help humans.  You may also shape-shift and alter form and formless states. Old ways of existing will completely dissolve.

Consider dramatic changes in internal weather patterns. Many teachings, including those of the Tibetans and other ancient gurus, say that people are turning inward to rethink the power and consciousness of heart. How do you notice your energy fields within your body? In truth, the left and right brain create the external energy field.  The internal energy field extends from the heart. Two different levels of consciousness create a perception of an internal weather pattern. You create energy fields. Check this out: