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What could happen with a pole shift?

In a pole shift, according to individuals like Drunvalo Melchizdek, no person has been able to figure out definitively how a planet like Earth with its size and inertia could suddenly move off its axis, as is predicted in relation to 2012. This would require huge amounts of energy. What are some options?

Consider magnetics. The crust of Earth is 20-40 miles thick. Underneath that is the upper mantle. That is what holds the outer core to the inner core of the planet. Scientists learned without magnetics, the upper mantle could become a liquid. The crust would then be free to move within a period as short as 15 days. Imagine the ice developing off centre in the south pole (2 miles high). If this kind of thing were to happen right now, you wake up in a new place in relation to the equator.

Consider Mayan prophecy. They predict major lines of magnetic energy are changing. Their civilisation has survived two pole shifts, one 13,000 years ago and another 26,000 years ago.  They claim that to survive a pole shift event, one needs to be connected to the heart and the heart of the earth. They say if you are 'in your heart,' you will not die. Their full prophecy has yet to be fully made public.

Consider how consciousness changes as humans move within cycles of time.  Knowing the planet is alive also affects expanding awareness of what is.   The pole shift will enable people to sense fields in the brain, around the body and throughout the universe in new ways. Heightening sensitivities emerge. You create with your brain or your heart. There is a big difference. The brain creates equal and opposite things. To create from the heart never harms anyone anywhere.

Imagine that to enter the fourth dimension, means whatever you think and feel happens in real time.  Once you enter this level of consciousness, you are at the level of energy vibration as other beings you do not necessarily see of believe to exist.  One view is extra terrestrials will be seen as having been here in formless states and most of them would like to help humans.  You may also shape-shift and alter form and formless states. Old ways of existing will completely dissolve.

Consider dramatic changes in internal weather patterns. Many teachings, including those of the Tibetans and other ancient gurus, say that people are turning inward to rethink the power and consciousness of heart. How do you notice your energy fields within your body? In truth, the left and right brain create the external energy field.  The internal energy field extends from the heart. Two different levels of consciousness create a perception of an internal weather pattern. You create energy fields. Check this out:

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Reader Comments (9)

Hi Liara. The whole idea of 2012 absolutely fascinates me. I reflect on the year 2000 and all the media hype about that, and how "nothing" unusual happened... that is, nothing we were aware of anyway. I look forward to this "new time". I'm trusting the process.
September 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
The idea of polarity shift brings for me the concept of duality to mind. When something is said to be polarized I see two extreme sides caught in a circle counter to each other. It is a state of yin and yang.

Consider that we currently live heavily in a masculine world and state of being. When a polarity shift occurs, energy will rearrange its self on the titter totter or pendulum to be more feminine based. If one has a rigid mind with strong ideas of how life should be perceived, then such people will go into shock. All that is repressed shall then become revealed. Demons and angry ghosts will demand their attention in this state of duality. However, if one transcends many aspects of duallity before such a polar shift, then one becomes more heart based by accepting and loving all that IS in any given moment. Any paranormal occurances will be looked at as a message or gift to help one to realign themselves more by taking in this stray energy by reabsorbing the past or future into the Light or back into the Self or back into the eternal Now.
September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
I feel this a bit too, that all illusions and all duality will disappear. So if as an example, joy came from within your heart, it will not disappear, die, it will remain. If it came from another place, say, maybe thinking a million dollars is bringing me joy:) then this joy might disappear, it will not remain. We might spin a bit and feel ill, like the ill in illusions,but we will always be able to see, that within us, our hearts, there is one joy that is not an illusion and we will be able to cope.

or so I hope!:)
September 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertumel
Davina, trusting in the process suggests you lean toward belief in positive outcomes. This reminds everyone, including your conscious self, that fear-based thinking is not the only way to perceive what is unfolding.
September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, flexibility and fluidity are traits that echo pure, unconditional love. Every soul chooses to incarnate at a given moment to learn certain lessons. Polarity can indeed be one of those lessons. Imagine a place where polarity no longer exists, where doubt is not born, where reason for conflict disappears. This would be the end of male dominance, guilt and division. Acceptance reigns. Imagine a place where higher frequency and energy vibration are the norm. If this line of thought and its implications peak your interest, you might read Planet 2 by Lynn Grabhorn.
September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
tumel, illusions and duality (or polarity) progressively fall away with your willingness to detach from drama. Certain thoughts and feelings you generate inhibit functioning to your highest potential. In essence, you unintentionally limit the mind from achieving higher frequency. As you connect with an ocean of higher frequency channels in the form of higher vibrating souls, you learn to step back from emotional energy and align with loving understanding. Fear is in opposite to this alignment.
September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I feel I fear the known more than the unknown, so in feeling this I try to adjust myself somehow to deal with the known when it comes:)so I go around seeing what it is I feel I must learn/know of first. It is like I know deep down, but know as well that when this deep knowing surfaces I wish to meet it with no fear at all.
September 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertumel
tumel, you are gradually moving to a mental place of fearlessness. This suggests you are detaching from the rational mind and learning toward heart consciousness. To think from the heart is to realize one path leads to another and everything grows progressively clearer.
September 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
can magnetic pole shift attract magnetized iron-nickle asteroids to Earth at the speed of light ????

do you think that there are magnetized iron nickle asteroids in EARTH'S Lagrangian points L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 ????

do you think that there are magnetized iron nickle asteroids in JUPITER'S Lagrangian points L4, L5 ?????

do you think that there are magnetized iron nickle asteroids IN ASTEROID BELT... ????
October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterASTEROID

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