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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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Entries in Lao Tzu (8)


I am that I am

How does it feel to tap into absolute knowing that you need no reason to be here now?  Being itself is enough.  Feel with absolute certainty that you exist. Even with all the conditioning and socialisation, you know who you are.  Deep down, purpose is not something you seek but allow to unfold. Rather than exert effort to build points of reference, notice what it feels like to systematically peel away all those you adopt. 

If you feel you must justify your requests, or judge others on route to getting, you do not see duality as it is. Notice how mental thoughts create a sense of separation. Notice how your thoughts and vibration resist accepting what the heart knows. The more you exert effort and hope to create what you want through action, the more you separate yourself form the vibrational being you are and the way it creates. Notice how it feels to let go of resistance. Knowing arises in experience. Your attention in this dream shifts from barriers you create to see only oneness, and appreciate messages of equality and unconditional love that speak to you through everything. Be aware of the "I am."

Recall Lao Tzu who says, “To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go.”


What is proof of greatness?

Ordinary people think the "Great Tao" is actually useless.

That everyone thinks it is useless, is proof of how great it is. 

If it was the kind of thing ordinary people thought was useful, it would have disappeared long ago.

~Lao Tzu

One view is it takes alchemy to bring about fundamental, inner change. If you do not know alchemy, then you do not yet experience fundamental change.  Raising awareness invites you to shift vantage points, expand perspective and possibility.  How do you propose to expand if you live at the same level of conscious awareness that brought you to where you are?


Why is it that part of you fears the unknown?

Not everyone realizes the nature of the world of matter.  To fear the unknown is to fall prey to ignorance and self-doubt.  You exist in physical form because of spirit and things unseen.  Not permitting yourself to realize the Truth keeps you where you are. 

When you ask people who admit fear of death or other aspects of life why they feel as they do, they often have no conclusive explanation.  They refer to conditioning by religious doctrrine or accept inclinations to worry about situations that may never arise.

Imagine how your perspective would change if you came to believe you could do nothing to disconnect you from your heritage.  Practice seeing beyond the assumptions of other people.  As you focus on events unfolding now, you are rewarded by character growth.

As Silver Birch says, "There is no experience that comes to the human soul, which rightly understood and rightly faced does not leave you better for it." 

This reminds me of a phrase by Lao Tzu who said "A Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step."  That phrase is perhaps the most well-known phrase of the Tao Te Ching.  As you change how you think, you realize how preventable certain kinds of thinking are.

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