Rethink the holographic universe

The matter you perceive and project into the external world does not reveal what the conscious mind assumes. How do you define a sense of reality? The act of limiting the self to the physical senses can also distract you from what energetic information is saying. Which signals do you discern?
To realize you are an energy field like a honeycomb helps you begin to feel your way along differently. Doorways exist to other realms and perspectives. As you learn to disrupt and shift how you have been taught to think and feel, you begin to grasp the nature of the Matrix and recall how to just be.
"If we think we can hurt another person or another living thing without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. I look at a forest or a flower or a bird now, and say ' That is me, part of me'. We are connected with all things and if we send love along those connections, then we are happy." -Michael Talbot