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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Rethink the holographic universe

The matter you perceive and project into the external world does not reveal what the conscious mind assumes.  How do you define a sense of reality? The act of limiting the self to the physical senses can also distract you from what energetic information is saying. Which signals do you discern?

To realize you are an energy field like a honeycomb helps you begin to feel your way along differently.  Doorways exist to other realms and perspectives.  As you learn to disrupt and shift how you have been taught to think and feel, you begin to grasp the nature of the Matrix and recall how to just be.

"If we think we can hurt another person or another living thing without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. I look at a forest or a flower or a bird now, and say ' That is me, part of me'. We are connected with all things and if we send love along those connections, then we are happy."  -Michael Talbot

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Reader Comments (8)

Having been a biologist and naturalist I usually always saw more than most people. People will walk without being able to see individual species of plants. Everything is just shades of green. Birds, even if they are singing a few feet away are absolutely invisible to many. If seen, they are labeled bird or plant or green thing. Its like they can not distinguish texture and shape and colour. The frequency has not been accepted or acknowledged or has been repressed. The brain doesn't register it. At times I will point things out, and suddenly the object jumps into their view out of nowhere as if it rematerialized into their existance.

Often, people will label things improperly. Show them a few details and the world comes a little more in focus or becomes visible because they may have raised to a higher vibration to see and experience differently than before.

There are so many things before us that we just don't acknowledge. Our frequency range for seeing and hearing can certainly be shrunk to experience less or stretched to know more.

But then again, if this is all holographic, an entire new species can be introduced from the ethers and the mind will dismiss it as having been just hiding in the wilds. If it is a dream, we can imagine something new, and with time and more energy accumulated, it could possibly be manifested through wish fulfillment. It may exist in the central computer banks as a frequency of being, and can be injected into the cycles of life. Or as we accumulate more energy that has been lost or siphoned off, we may be able to see those once hidden cycles or frequencies that live in a place of less density and higher vibration.

As you have said before Liara, every thing may exist right now vibrating before our very eyes, but we only discern what we are capable of seeing at any given moment due to the anchors that lock certain vibrations into place. Find the keys or the frequency dial, and visit any perception cycling its way throught the universe.
October 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, as human beings move beyond asking questions and seeking answers, they recognize the focus shifts to pure, embodied awareness. To recognize immedate access to absolute emptiness is very calming and exhilarating. The implications are profound; you do not need clarity, you are clarity. Every idea is a construct you imagine when you are already inside the 'I am' consciousness. Peer through everything using unconditional love and a tender heart.
October 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
But what if on some level we are made of sound? What if in the beginning was the Word? What if the music of the spheres is no myth? What if we ourselves are a harmonic convergence? What if the holographic grid of our being is a linguistic and musical interface between higher-dimensional light, which might be considered a form of divine thought or intention, and sound in higher-dimensional octaves?
October 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterneil
neil, energy is sound, light and multi-dimensional vibration simply are. You are everything and nothing. The process is healing a sonic, supersonic and ultrasonic self. Energy beings are capable of expanding to discern ranges beyond those audible to the human ear. You do it now. Conscious awareness of this ability is something else.
October 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. those are interesting videos .. and the what if that comes to mind .. is how and why we all appear to see, hear, feel the same things in similar ways ..

However I can see the electrical impulses of information, as that is all it is going into the brain for translation .. for our recognition.

Thank you - interesting ..Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, it is always meaningful to remind the self many different ways exist to sense and understand the world. None is better than another. Each one is a teacher and an invitation to raise new awareness about self.
October 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We are only using words to compare our experiences with one another. If we are watching a video together, who is to know we are seeing the same thing. The words are mere pointers with little substance towards what is being described. Do we see the same colours? Do we see the same contrast?

For instance, we can read a book and learn something from it. A year later, we read the book again, and see something in it that we didn't see before. Our point of view has changed, and so, how we even see the things we have visited before, have changed.

Therefore, nobody sees the same video even if we are sitting next to each other. In any given environment, things are present or invisible to each of us. We ignore that which we repress and move beyond that which no longer resonates with us.
October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, you hit the nail right on the head. This revelation strengthens the whole concept of holographic universe. Every man is projecting his own energy vibration in response to whatever he perceives. The fact people are invited to step outside of what they create and assume at this moment is an invitation to realize the house of cards is crumbling. This is not about disagreeing with someone else. It is about coming to realize your own perceptions are misperceptions. They are bound to dissolve and bring you back to that perspective you temporarily forgot. Whether the physical eyes are open or shut, your senses create a video-like existence of life-like projections.
October 27, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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