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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in humility (13)


How does soul-splitting grab you?

To believe it possible to physically be in more than one place at once opens the mind to mechanics of soul-splitting.  To grasp how this occurs is not required to conceive soul energy can divide and incarnate in multiple forms. How does the prospect of soul-splitting influence your level of open-mindedness and degree of consciousness?

Rethink deja-vu. Sensing you have been in a place before when you have no conscious memory in this life may evoke thoughts of amnesia or, strengthen belief in past lives. Some souls awaken to additional possibilities during astral travel. As energy expands, it reveals it stretches and recombines beyond conscious radar. A mental image is reality of the moment. Unconscious impressions vibrate differently and gain new signifiance with heightening sensory perception.

Move beyond power struggles. The conditioned ego impulse to control is fading. Attention is shifting to re-access inner knowledge. Useful, constructive criticism and perspective arise from within. One evolves to be less concerned with perceived time, the ego mind and other human inventions. To shift focus brings one to sense relative significance of formless energy dimensions.

Sense equal dispersal of energy. Part of soul never separates from original Source. Part of soul energy incarnates in physical form. To believe this means you could sense it feasible to incarnate in more than one body or form in different places for separate purposes. In addition, parts of split souls are more aware or, have more advanced consciousness than other parts. Each intelligent being progresses on diverse levels simultaneously. Levels of awareness vary.

Gain humility. This is possible without being distracted by physical experiences of self-gratification. Some souls are motivated to speed up or engage in multiple incarnations. Such decisions are made before birth when ego does not exist. That does not concern every being. Yet, the prospect of other ways of existing and learning encourages one to nurture an open mind. Humility is a lesson with diverse energy degrees.

Imagine transmigration. Consider the same soul splitting and living in different dimensions in the same relative time. This draws attention to the possibility of overlapping time chronologies. That is, souls transmute and transform based on plans conceived in the spirit world before incarnation. Souls are amorphous without substance or texture, animate creatures or inanimate objects as an exercise to sharpen sensitivity. You adopt and shift form to and from what makes the most sense to learn about physical concepts. Energy changes are not limited to ideas conceived by the limits of human imagination.


Discover the shaman inside yourself

Notice when you feel alienated or 'out-of-place.' Your emotions are a gauge. They tell you when you are listening to soul, being true to self or not. Like a shaman, do you allow intuition and Nature to guide your choices? If you cling to the opinions of others, you allow yourself to live on borrowed knowledge. Ignorance and fear may block your access to timeless wisdom. You may ask, what can I do about it?

Be aware when you focus on stories and dreams of other people. This may result from conditioning. You can also view everything as an invitation to discover the shaman inside yourself. Access innersight that enables you to see deeper into the here and now. What behaviour allows soul secrets to reveal themselves?

1) Watch your thinking process.  Choose to live in such a way as you know life is as easy as you make it.   Be present and focused on a matter at hand rather than lose your focus in multi-tasking.  Change the way you think about thought.  Know thoughts are powerful enegy.  Sense all you do evolves naturally. 

2) Be open to shift focus. Stop believing you need what you don't have or that you must control what is uncontrollable.  Review the personas or facades you put on and let go of the person the world thinks you are. See from the vantage point of equality.  Flow into states of abundance and heed the impulse of generosity.

3) Break down your largest challenges.  Become a master anticipator. Sense that you can manage anything step-by-step.  Set an example by thinking of others and serving them rather than being blinded by self-interests.  Change the way you perceive darkness and fear.  Sense they help you see the love that exists. Discern you are an instrument to something greater that empowers you.

4) Be willing to admit you don't know.  This reflects strength.  Watch the ego impulse.  Admit you never really know what is best for other people.  Trust instincts about self yet, remain humble.  The energy of humility is magnetic.  Release your urge to impose ideas.  Sense immeasurable capacities exist within that are unleashed from the moment you believe in the unseen.


Gateway of humility

Humans are taught to think life isn't supposed to be a smooth journey. Many of us have "close calls" where it may seem like death misses us by a whisker. Did you have a close call where you felt it wasn't your time to leave? Did you approach the gateway of humility, a tunnel of light perhaps and realize love is the answer? Maybe you feel a bigger plan is at work?

I knew a girl who was hit by a car and put into a coma. She ended up pulling out of it and later, regaining consciousness.  She indicated her deceased grandmother had told her she'd be back another time.  The doctors didn't believe her. Her family wasn't sure if she was hallucinating. She believes her grandmother is now a guardian angel who protects her.

Alison Dubois' life demonstrates the power of guardian angels. She is the focus of a t.v. show called Medium and author of the best-selling book, "Don't Kiss them Goodbye."

When she was six, Allison's deceased great-grandfather supposedly approached her with a message for her mother: "I am okay, I am still with you. Tell your mom there's no more pain." Allison shared his comforting words with her mother and turned to embrace a lifetime of creating connections between loved ones and the those they have lost who are seldom really far away.

Another purpose of her Alison's gifts surfaced while she was an intern in the homicide bureau of a district attorney's office. Curiously, she began to visualize the crime as she handled evidence. She claims to have regular dreams where people contact her from the other side. Allison listened to her Higher Self and gave up law school aspirations to be a consultant profiler on criminal investigations. Her abilities have also been tested in closed research studies and one of the many test subjects she impressed with her readings turned out to be Deepak Chopra.

Alison trusts her guides and surrenders to a power greater than herself.  This enables her to exist at a high level of conscious awareness, to accept and evolve with changes as the observer inside herself.  Her life is a testament to the benefits of trusting love, energy and guardian angels.  She senses these being make themselves available to assist us providing we ask. 

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